An Influence

"Did you make all these by yourself?" Eric inquired after handing the bouquet to Elena.

Looking at the appetizing dishes spread across the length of the rectangular oak table, he couldn't help feeling hungry.

"No. I cooked a few and ordered the rest," she answered while taking the flower from him. They were beautiful. "Please make yourself at home," she said while gesturing for them to take a seat. "I will just find a vase for this. I will be right back."

The next moment, Elena disappeared from their presence.

"How do you see this place on sight?" Eric turned to ask with a Mark with a smug look on his face. He seemed very proud of himself for the last-minute arrangement he made by furnishing the apartment.

Mark scoffed. "If you think I'm going to commend you for doing your job right, you will have to wait till the next life."