End The Relationship

"You're coming back to the old house tonight, right?" Eric asked Mark as they stepped into the elevator together.

After having some food with Elena, there was nothing more to do other than chat for a little bit and leave.

Both brothers had noticed that Elena was not really a people person. She was not social, but they understood that they had to build a relationship with her before she would agree to loosen up.

"Not today," Mark replied as he punched a button on the elevator door.

"But you have already been away for a few days now. Do you really want to get tongues wagging and get everyone prying into your affairs?" Eric gave him a side glance. He looked between a mixture of worry and unhappiness, but Mark didn't seem to care.

"Do I look like I care about anyone's opinion about how I handle my affairs?" Mark retorted with an unbothered gaze.