A Mutual Feeling

Within a few minutes of meeting, Mia had already made a new best friend. It turned out that Eric was good with children, even much better than Mark who was a father.

Mark watched Eric dragging Mia to a bumper car ride and shook his head. "Who thought him how to handle children?"

Elena who was matching his steps asked as she shifted her gaze to him, "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Mark raised a comical brow. It was as if he was asking how it was possible to be jealous when Mia was his daughter.

That would be crazy, wouldn't it?

"Mhmm," Elena nodded, flashing him a smile. She was teasing him just to distract herself from the fact that they had four men in black keeping some distance behind them. "You look like you could ask him to teach you how to do that."

"Nah," Mark made a face like he was disgusted with that idea. I can take care of things myself.

Elena shrugged, "If you say so."