A Good Start

Elena and her mother ended up riding the first SUV together while Mark took Mia's hand and helped her into the toddler seat of the second SUV he was going to ride with her.

He had come prepared for her.

Although Elena was a little uneasy about leaving Mia with someone other than her mother, she had to swallow down her insecurities. She made sure to take one last good look at her daughter which didn't go unnoticed by Mark, before finally getting into the jeep.

"I believe you trusted him enough to hand your daughter over to him," Marie said to Elena when she noticed how uneasy she was. She didn't need a soothsayer to tell her the details of her worry.

She was a mother too. She understood.

In the second car, Mark handed Mia a teddy bear he decided to add last minute alongside the toddler car seat.