Creating An Awareness

Elena knew Mark loved his brother, and it was a constant reminder every time they both met.

"I will," she smiled in response to his request before going over to sit next to him on the black couch.

Not long after, a waiter came with a bottle of expensive champagne sitting in a stainless bucket of ice. 

As soon as he served it in two glasses, he handed a note to Mark and left.

It took Mark just when glance to read the words that made out one sentence on the piece of paper. "It's from Eric," he revealed while meeting Elena's gaze.

"What did he say?" she asked, with a small smile playing on her lips. She felt it was so sweet to receive a handwritten note from one's sibling. She wished she could get one unfortunately, she was an only child. And the cousin she had didn't know what maternal love was.

It's not like she was hoping to reconnect with that spoilt brat. She would never see her in that light.