Talent Hunt Management Agency

After spending some time with Elena at the club, Mark sent her home. 

Normally, he would have gone up with her. But he declined the request when asked.

"You are not coming up?" Elena asked after pushing the car door open and discovering that Mark hadn't moved an inch.

"No," Mark declined with a smile. "It's late." What he meant to say was that he couldn't follow her up because he didn't want to disturb their daughter's or her mother's sleep.

"Oh." Elena nodded in understanding. But as she was moving her body to the side, getting ready to get off the car, she felt a shadow enclosing her. She knew it was Mark, but what he did next took her by surprise.

He actually kissed the corner of her lips. "Let's do this often," he said and then waved at her.

When Elena got inside the elevator, she still couldn't understand what Mark had meant by 'let's do this often' after kissing her.