Grandfather Wang

~Wang Residence~

Mark and Eric's car pulled over at the underground parking lot. This is the way they arrive whenever they were coming down to the Wang residence.

Their convoy was always beautiful.

"Are you going straight to grandfather's study?" Eric asked as they made their way out of the underground parking lot.

"Not really," Mark answered as they took a turn towards a hallway with artistic paintings on the wall. "I have to see Mum for something first."

"Work-related matter?" Eric probed. He wanted to make sure his brother wasn't going to break the news to their mother first. 

From the outside point of view, there was nothing really wrong with it. But in the Wang family, things worked differently, especially for delicate matters like this.

"Yes. I need to make sure the launch date is set for two weeks. I don't want any further delay," Mark replied just as they walked into the living area. There was basically no one there.