The Journalist

Just to give the woman the benefit of the doubt when she should have dismissed her which was a mistake on her own part, Elena exercised some patience.

"Thank you. Would you like to use my assistance now?" Asking that question, Elena began to list their services for the woman just in case she was new to this kind of thing.

Elena did not want her time to be wasted so, she thought she was helping both of them to save time but in actual sense, her attempt was fruitless.

Having studied Elena and understood something, the woman finally leaned away from the topic she had been hammering on. "Can I see some of the most expensive bags you have?"

"What brand and what price range are you looking for?" Elena asked, sighing in relief.

"Just give me something on the shelf. I do not think I want those kept in the special compartments," The woman said with a smile as she waved the side of her black bob hair and pushed it behind her ear.