How Long Is The Line?

"We will be hanging out tomorrow, do you care to join?" Mark asked Eric after seeing how bored he was. 

"No way," Eric almost rolled his eyes while slanting his back and putting his hand on the neck of the empty chair next to him. "Are your plans to bore me out of my mind?"

He believed that hanging out with his brother's friends would be the biggest mistake he could ever make. They always talked about sports and business. No other fun topic. They were very boring.

Eric would rather remain locked up in his bedroom at the Wang Residence than hang out with Mark and his friends unless it was a party. His own friends were still the very best.

Mark nodded thoughtfully, hearing his response despite knowing he did not understand his questions. "Darling," he said, shifting his gaze to Elena, who looked sceptical. "It's not my fault now," Mark continued despite how lost she looked.