A Little Sweeter

Xiaoxiao started to regret why she didn't agree with her mother sooner. 

What if she was transferred to the prison ground before the remaining balance would come?

"I want to speak to my mother!" Xiaoxioa declared with tears brimming in her eyes. Finally, she was anxious about getting out of police custody right on time.

The female warden gave her a fierce stare before walking away having left a few words behind. "Wait for your turn tomorrow."

Xiaoxiao swore that if the opportunity was given for that door to be opened right at that moment, she wouldn't hesitate to pounce on that female warden.

That woman was the same person who delivered the bad news to her, so why was she acting like she did not know that he hadn't had a lot of time to come up with the money to get her off of their custody?

A curse was already at the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed the entire word back on remembering that she might still need the woman's help.