Good at Striking Balls

Chloe Wang dared not fool around with her boyfriend Yang Mingze due to the fact that there were CCTV cameras at every corner of the house.

It's not like she had the guts to do anything that would drag her to her grandfather's study where matters were personalized.

She would even hate it more if she were to be rebuked by the entire family.

Fortunately, someone like Yang Mingze who still had an image and a reputation to maintain, understood and didn't dare to do anything rash on the private grounds of the Wang family.

After having a long walk, Chloe led her boyfriend back to the living room in time to have dinner with the rest of the family members.

While lunch was going on, Michael Wang tried to ask a few questions to Yang Mingze, but Chloe got defensive.

"Dad, we are still having lunch. Your questions can wait," she smiled.