The Rise of an Annonymous Blog

Twenty minutes passed before Mark was finally able to let Elena go. Pulling out from behind her, he kissed her shoulder before going ahead to draw her closer to his embrace.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear before his head hit the pillow.

"I love you," Elena replied softly.

The couple stayed in each other's arms for a while before deciding that they have had enough of lying down. It was only then that they got off the bed.

"I will go clean up a little," Elena said as she got off the bed with her clothes unscathed. 

When they were engaging in the bed activity, none of them bothered to completely take off their clothes as it could be more fun that way.

"I think I will join you in a minute," Mark smiled as his feet touched down on the floor.

He would have followed her, but as he didn't want her to think that he might do something 'funny' again, he needed a moment for himself.