Doing The Right Thing

By the time Xiaoxiao got home, she had mixed feelings. She was insulted yet, managed to gain a few benefits from it.

"It seems like I will have to avoid those drama queens by all means until I have climbed the social ladder higher than them," Xiaoxiao mumbled to herself.

Today had been an eye-opener for her to see that she could be bullied by others even in public.

And as there was no way for her to go against the three women, she could only plot to rank higher above them so she could teach them the greatest lesson they deserve for messing with her.

While storing up the items she was given at the shopping mall, Xiaoxiao concluded to herself, "If this man won't divorce his wife and spend all the money on me, I will start looking for someone else."

The young lady did not care that her sugar daddy was the one paying for her house expenses and the new place she was living now.