Guilt And Feelings

By the time Elena and Mark returned from the boat cruise wedding party, a few things had happened.

Chloe had decided on a wedding date and a few things regarding the wedding party were set.

Mark was not surprised that his grandfather had allowed Chloe to do as she liked. After chasing her out of the family, there was no way he would still hold her back from what she wanted.

"Brother, I can't believe she will go ahead to marry that kind of person. Is this not an opportunity for her to abandon everything?" Eric asked after paying a visit.

Even though he had sworn never to care about her about her, he couldn't suppress his emotions regarding her decisions. She was like a very big disappointment to their family.

"Did you expect her to cancel the wedding plans when she is already pregnant?" Mark asked as he put down a bottle of wine on their table before proceeding to cork it open.