Wedding Bells

"I-It's not a good sign?" Chloe stammered as she sat upright.

"Those are early signs of miscarriage," Elena broke the news with a troubled expression on her face but a few minutes later, Rachel was informed and immediately, Chloe was taken to the hospital.

When Grandmother Wang heard about it, she was not pleased as she knew the implication.

"If care is not taken, Chloe might end up losing that child," she said solemnly. She was speaking from experience as she had lost a child before therefore, she knew how miscarriage worked.

"I think it's because she has Ben's under a lot of stress lately," Elena said with a sigh.

Although her sister-in-law didn't seem like she cared much about her baby, Elena knew that it was not the case.

The only reason Chloe was acting like she could care less about any situation or anyone and even her wedding was simply because of her current stance with her would-be husband.