A Question Not Her Age

"Do you have to insult me to my face?" Mrs. Yang asked with an ugly expression on her face.

From the side, Marie wanted to give her a piece of her mind, but Rachel stopped her again.

She smiled at her and patted the back of her hand before gesturing for her to take her away, an assurance that will handle the situation.

Fortunately, Marie listened. As she did not want to create a scene and attract the attention of other guests, she sat down and let Rachel take over.

Rachel was glad that Marie listened to her, so she turned around to face Mrs. Yang who was very mad for being ignored.

The graceful smile on her face remained as she said to her, "I heard you insult my in-law, reminding her of her husband's death of which your Yang family had a hand, and cursing her to die young."

Mrs. Yang's lips moved. She wanted to say something to defend herself, but Rachel did not allow her that opportunity.