Getting Ass Kicked

'This is the reason I shouldn't have answered your calls.' Mrs. Yang spat.

Even though her own son was in the wrong here, she couldn't sit still and listen to another woman belittle and insult him. At least, not in her presence.

"Mrs. Wang, don't you think you are going too far?" she questioned, completely losing her temper just as expected.

"Mrs. Yang, in case you don't know this, let me teach you what going too far is. Going too far, is your son abandoning his pregnant wife who turns out to be a Wang, without notice and then leaving her to starve with no one to cater to her needs in his absence despite knowing that the doctor warned her against stress."

Rachel did not even bother to slow down while dishing out her warnings. That daft woman from the other end only deserved to listen and not speak.