Big Shot Husband

Today, Elena and Mark were visiting her mother, so the latter went on a shopping spree to buy a lot of foodstuffs before embarking on a cooking spree.

Since her daughter and her family wouldn't be coming until noon, she had the entire morning to cook them lunch.

"Grandma!" Mia greeted excitedly as she ran inside the house wafting delicious aromas from different cuisines. 

Since Elena knew the password to the apartment, she only rang the doorbell once before keying in the numbers. 

"My baby!" Marie heard her granddaughter's cheerful voice from the kitchen and came out carrying a bowl of soup in her hand.

She placed it at the center of the dining table before turning around with a big smile that reached her eyes. And right in front of her stood the little adult.

"Grandma," Mia called out again as her old lady embraced her and tried to lift her.