Every Woman's Dream

The clacking sound from the clashing of plates and forks revibrated in the dining area as Mark and Elena enjoyed a simple dinner together.

After a while, Mark stopped eating and wiped the corner of his lips with a napkin without taking his gaze off his wife.

"Sweetheart," he called her with a smile.

"Hmm…" Elena peered at him while forking a vegetable salad into her mouth. Her glance merely lasted for two seconds before she was back to fixing her attention on her food.

Mark smiled at her actions. He placed his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers. "Let's have a wedding after we welcome our son."

'Huh?' Immediately, Elena stopped chewing the food in her mouth and slowly lifted her gaze. What did he just say? 

Her gaze on him conveyed her wish for him to repeat his statement and he sure understood and honoured it.