Something Fishy

"Can't we be professional at work?" Caro asked, looking inquisitive.

Eric stood up from his seat and walked to her side with his hands inside his pockets. "What we can't do, is be 'too' professional at work. With that, he pulled her in for a long kiss. 

"Your brother is going to kill you for this," Caro said breathlessly after she broke the kiss. 

Eric smacked his lips and said to her with a wild grin, "Maybe if you get introduced as his potential sister-in-law, he wouldn't mind a little PDA at work."

A small smile appeared on Caro's face and in the end, she ended up pulling him in for a second round of kisses.

A minute later, they both separated while panting for breath in each other's arms.

"I got a new place. Do you want to visit after work today?" Eric offered, pushing a few strands of disobedient hair behind her ear.

"I'm not coming." Caro shook her head with a sheepish smile. 'I know where this is going to lead to."