Something Missing

A deep sigh escaped Mark's nostrils as he shut his eyes and opened them again. The next second, his gaze had strayed back to Eric. "None of that means that she agrees with you. You might not want to have anything romantically to do with her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to."

Eric seemed not to agree with Mark and therefore went ahead to list a few reasons but Mark ended up cutting him off.

"Wait until you hear what Caro has to say about it." Next, he urged Caro to spill how her fear sprang up including what May did to her over the phone.

At first, Eric was not concerned about the red flags Caro claimed to have seen in May, but as soon as she mentioned the phone conversation she had with May on their drive to the site, he stopped her there.

"How is that possible?" he was oddly confused. "Don't forget that I was with her in that car and there was no way she would have been talking to you like that without my knowledge."