Speaking Out in the Open

It just dawned on Eric that he might not be as faithful as he thought he was in his relationship with Caro, and that he needed to stay as far away from May as possible.

Without wasting time, he took off his jean jacket and handed it to her while pretending to be unaffected by the amount of flesh he saw.

"Just take it."

May smiled inwardly as she received the jacket from him. She was pleased to see that she could still entice him when she wanted.

A few minutes later, she stepped out of her car and turned to him with a slight frown like someone who was confused and troubled at the same time. 

"Do you think it's okay this way?"

Eric didn't know that he would still manage to catch a glimpse of her bosom when he turned around so he was caught off-guard seeing that his jacket only managed to cover her belly area and not her chest properly.