A Strategic Distraction

Eric didn't think twice before making a turn since it seemed like Mark had something important he wanted to talk to him about.

In his mind, he was kind of happy that the trip had been cancelled even though he was halfway to the site.

But on the other hand, May was upset and didn't talk much on their trip back to the city. She was busy checking on her phone and trying to come up with another strategy to have some privacy with Eric.

Finally, when she thought of something, she tilted her head to the side with a small smile sitting on her lips. "Eric, I just checked the weather forecast for the rest of this week. There will be no rain on Friday and Saturday, so we can shift this trip till then. What do you think?"

Eric heard that and stole a glance at her. "I can't give you any response for now until I have checked my schedule with Caro so I don't miss an important meeting. But as for Saturday, I am not willing to make any trip."