Universal Starts

"What fascinating tales I have heard from someone," well. where he said that both heroes and villains exist. The good person always tries to stop the bad guy from fighting and destroying things. That's how the stories are presented, right?

''What does that even mean in reality, I wonder? Does it even apply to real-world situations?''


Let's create a world where conflicting realities coexist. Observe what actually transpired. however, it need a lead character!


"So you're planning to make something new again," says an unknown voice.

''Oh Fiend, you've arrived. What a surprise that you arrived just in time. So tell me, what kind of world should I create, and who should be the main character.''

''It's intriguing that you asked me that. So let's create a world where people actually exist as you need to discover the truth about heroes and villains. Perhaps it would be best to differentiate the main figure from the others'' the fiend grinned.

''What do you mean?''

"I mean. Why not make the lead distinct from humans," the fiend said.

"I see… And do you imply that I should permit you to create the protagonist this time?''


As you wish, then, but you must not let me down as you are the only one I can entrust with this responsibility.

"Don't worry over it. Have I ever let my pal down before? No, so relax and take in the show.'' said the fiend

''Well, then, I'll let it be and wait to see what you can show me.''


[Creating a new world]


[Command complete]

[Your new world has been created]

[Dimensional level – 200 : Power – 7.3 : stand – 500 scale : items – infinity : lead – unknown : scale level – unknown : range : expand ]

[New addition]

[Absorber has been created]



I see…

''This planet resembles every other planet in every dimension quite a bit. I didn't have high hopes for it.'' Said the fiend

"Can this planet produce the exact kind of lead I want for oneself?" Can I locate a person like him? Hmm. I guess I'll have to wait for now. flow now'

[0 year]

[400 years]

[1,402 years]

[43,590 years]

[323,294 years]

[984,362 years]

[1,403,234 years]

[2,000,302 years]

"2 million years had gone by in a matter of seconds." because I believe that is how humanity can develop. Now since it's not crucial, let's proceed as I had intended. said the fiend



''A young youngster screams in terror as he wakes up. I experienced one of those dreams once more. There is no end to these nightmares. I believe I should get checked out.''

The boy then gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom, where he enters and notices himself in the mirror. He thinks to himself as he studies himself in the mirror, "These nightmares are quite growing more often now and that fiend." Since the first nightmare I had about these things, I have seen him in every dream.

The boy takes a shower, gets out, walks to the kitchen to make something for himself, sits by the window to eat, and then glances out the windows while doing so. What should I do with these strange nightmares? He muses again. "I can't remember everything that happened in the dream, but I do remember that a strange-looking thing and that red-colored hoodie guy was talking about something and the world creation stuff. I have no understanding of what is happening here."

Office building [red x battlefield]

"Look, I'm telling you there was this guy who has red hair and always dresses in red doing stuff in my dreams," the boy said.

I know what you're trying to communicate, but you need to calm down. There is nothing more to these than nightmares. Therefore, you should now begin working on the game that I instructed you to do, the co-worker advised.

The boy stated, "Look man, this isn't something I can ignore you know well, these nightmares are not natural to me and seeing one thing over and again signals something is wrong."


''Perhaps some sort of ghost is trying to scare you, the co-worker said while laughing.''

Ha ha, very funny

''Anyway, how is the game that your boss requested that you create?'' questioned a co-worker.

It's doing well so far, I mean I've made a few adjustments for better combat attacks, I mean it's still in the early stages of development, but yeah. It's quite a thing because it's also causing me some difficulty," the boy stated.

''Is it not odd that the boss made you create the game yourself, a request that the arrogant man never fulfilled?'' said the co-worker

The youngster added, "Can't say anything about it, but to be honest I'm having fun creating this game since I did add many things which I saw in the my nightmares like the space objects and the other dark regions which would help the player become more eager to play this game."

Given that you frequently discuss your dreams with me, I should also consider how interesting those things might be, the co-worker suggested.

The youngster said, "I can't now because it's in its early phases, but when the game is fully developed, I'll show you."

yeah sure sure…

IJ a loud voice shouted…

It appears that your boss is calling. And it seems that he is not in a good mood today, the co-worker said.

'' it's not like he's bad mood today and always happy mood''

''yeah right'' co-worker 'ha ha ha'

Eventually, the boy leaves the chair and walks to the office door. He approaches the door and opens it.


"Yes, boss. You called me?, the boy inquires.

''IJ, tell me how the game is progressing so far,'' the boss asked the boy.

Sweat is beginning to fall from his forehead as he speaks. "Boss, it's going wonderfully and won't take long to be finished,"

''It must be finished by the end of April since that is the deadline that man gave me, and if I don't give him what he needs, I'm not sure what will happen to us then'' the boss remarked.

"What do you mean by us, boss?" said the boy.

The boss gets up from the chair and walks toward the transport window glass and stares outside at the buildings. ''IJ do you know why I give you this task to do it alone?''

''How would I know that'' the boy questioned in his head.

The boss turns and looks at the boy…

''it's because…''

"What out!" the boy yells.

Just as he was about to say those words, a massive meteoroid struck the structure.


Around the meteoroid's impact site, there was total destruction.



someplace beneath the rock. With his eyesight blurred, he asks "what is happening?" while bleeding and his eyes are slowly closing. He can barely out yells and people running in all directions.

Than his eyes closed…

where am I?

why I can't see anything?

anyone present?

The youngster only sees pitch blackness all around him.


The boy wakes up but…

He had not left the pitch-black room. He asks, "Anyone here," as he looks about in confusion and panic.

His pulse rate began to increase to a point where he was unable to control it and began to feel lightheaded, but the youngster was still able to maintain himself.

What a resilient person you are. I believed you were going to be dead by now, therefore I find it astonishing that you have survived," a voice from nowhere stated.

You!! The boy, who was astonished to see who was speaking, said.

Yes, the fiend remarked as he approached the boy, "You seem to know me, or should I say I know you better than you know me."