Countered Hero

You!! The boy, who was astonished to see who was speaking, said.

Yes, the fiend remarked as he approached the boy, "You seem to know me, or should I say I know you better than you know me."

''what do you want from me? What have a done to you?'' said the boy to the fiend as fear can be shown on his face.

''nothing much has changed about you, seeing you being all weak for all these years making me want to kill you again and again. Kind of not what I was expecting things to be but… it can be more fun ha ha ha ha ha ha.''

The boy asked, "What do you mean by killing me repeatedly? " "Tell me what you want from me!" he screamed in panic.

"That is something you need to work out on your own because it's a basic thing right now." Following the words of the fiend, numerous pairs of red eyes are shown. "You will have to perish again and again until you don't become what I desire.

Pant.. pant…

After seeing those eyes behind the fiend, the boy begins to breathe deeply. As the youngster struggles to talk, he tightens his chest and uses an unpronounceable phrase: "I just can't do it."

The demon continues, "Anyways, I'm departing now and will see you again when you will be fully prepared," and then he vanishes without a trace.

The boy panics and looks everywhere before turning to look at the several pairs of crimson eyes that are drawing nearer and nearer.

The youngster thinks to himself in fear, "what am I supposed to do now that I will die," as he perspires excessively.

His body is immobilized by the terrifying red pair of eyes, rendering him mentally motionless for a brief period of time.


''If I'm not mistaken, dying repeatedly means either that I can die numerous times before having to try again or that I can keep trying till he doesn't come back. Maybe not; it can also imply that he will murder me if I fail in my efforts. Less time is available to comprehend that there might be less.''

He was alone in his thoughts when a fast-moving object, which even he could not see coming, struck the boy's chest and swiftly made a hole in it.

''Wow, how am I able to see even in the dark?'' the youngster asks as he turns to stare at a hole that has been made inside his chest.'' Am I being foolish or what?''

He fells on the ground and as dead on the spot

{you have died}

{being raised to life}


As I had anticipated, as soon as I was dead, I would come back to life. The boy thought to himself, "If this keeps up, one of two things could happen: I could get a mental illness, or I could transform into something unthinkable.''

Unknown creation beings to come out of the darkness {Shadows, Knights, Dragons, Centaur, Demon, Goblins, Ghosts, Elf, Reapers, Werewolfs, Phoenix, Lightening Dragons, Galactic Beasts…}

{Different types of monsters, creatures, and undescribed thing have appeared to fight against you}

{be prepared to die again}

{Name: IJ}

{Character: Unknown}

{Scale: 0.02}

{Possibilities: 0.003}

{Predict Possibilities: unknown}

{You will be given a weapon that can company you in this battle against all of them}

{Choose your weapon 1. [Dark Sword] 2. [Unique Dagger] 3. [Eternal Spear] 4. [Infinite Arrow]}

''What an unexpected thing I'm witnessing right now. Since the only thing I really do not have any experience with is swords, I should probably go with that.''

{Dark Sword has been chosen by the Human}

{Sword will be provided to you}

The boy sees the sword materialize in front of him just as it was going to fall and tries to catch it.

''phew… that was a close one''

than now... The boy thinks to himself, "Even though it's terrifying and hazardous I honestly have no choice maybe I will go insane for sure but I can't be that sure about it."

Now then come at me…

{the battle begins}

{7,204 years have passed}

{Name: IJ}

{Character: The Infinite}

{Scale : 7+}

{Possibilities: 100}

{Predict Possibilities: Infinite}

Wow… I never realized it would take this long. How many times have I actually Died?


I see…

"Since I killed everything," he said. Now, what can I do? Wait for that Demon to come back; ''he should have come back by now since I've put an end to the situation he put me in, the IJ replied solemnly.''

IJ looks revealed as... extensive black hair. yellow and red eyes. ripped clothing. And the blade was made of black metal with long red blazing lines. sitting atop the giants' and beasts' dead bodies.

{Would you like to what's your inside}

{Yes} {No}

''I don't need to think twice again as I did before. Yes''

{Black Hole of Internality and Eternality is Being Absorb}




IJ's eyes start to close as the darkness outside and everything else around him get absorbed inside of him.

Eyes closed…


{Absorbing 400%}

{Absorbing 7020%}

{Absorbing 702934%}

{Absorbing 405021%}

{Absorbing 100000000%}


{You have completely absorbed the black hole, but you will now start to absorb more as the Following goes on}


{Your power will be sealed and given to you in accordance.}


IJ opens his eyes and, while floating in the enormous, vibrant universe, takes a bewildered look about. The perspective of IJ may make out planets and meteoroids, giant rocks, stars, dark shifts, and many other things.

''What place is this?''

{You have Entered Universe 301: Galaxy 12}

''what is that, let's forget that how will I go back to my Planet no… which universe do I need to go''

{Universe 54: Milky Way Galaxy: Earth 1}

''I don't comprehend what you're saying; if you don't show me the right route, I'll have to choose it for myself.''


{Route Loaded}

{With your speed you will be able to reach Universe 54 in 20 Minutes}

I see… why to bother with speed then…

Vision Mode.

IJ's vision changes to reveal the planet Earth when he was able to view it.

'so there it is that planet I need to go' says IJ

Since It will take me that much time with speed.


Cracks appear in the space when a hole appears. IJ enters the hole from one side and exits from the other. The individual in front of planet Earth.

I see this again and don't know if it's a teleport, transfer, or something else.

''For the time being, returning to this world after a long absence makes me feel incredibly bad for no apparent reason.''

"The air feels warm as if I have never breathed before it feels bizarre and pleasant both at the same time," IJ says as he approaches the planet and enters its atmosphere. Actually, I feel like wiping off the earth.

{You Have Entered Planet Earth 1}

{As the terms have been applied to you, your powers are being sealed.}

Ij, who is in the air, asks in a confused tone, "What term are you talking about?"

He starts to drop to the ground. and crashes on the ground. Dust is present everywhere, and once the dust is gone, the surface is covered with numerous fissures.

"That unexpected event just occurred," I had no idea that such things would occur. Not just now, anyhow. I must first navigate the changes that have occurred in this world since I was gone.

whomever you are, surrender yourself... {Korean Language}

A soldier standing behind cover and pointing a rifle with lightning surrounding it at IJ

''What are you saying I can't understand you right now''

IJ takes a step forward.

If you attempt to come near any farther, I will shoot you in the head.{Korean Language}

"It really annoys me that you're attempting to speak that language of yours and I can't understand you," IJ says with an irritated look on his face.

''Can you communicate in English or something?''

…? *confused Solider*

Never Mind…

IJ then charges at the soldier and is ready to strike him with his fist when suddenly another fist collides with IJ's, causing large wind waves.

IJ flew backward and crashed to the ground as a result of the fists smacking each other.

What a wonderful greeting we received from the locals. So that's how you greet your visitor, IJ says as he stands up.

I've seen a lot of people take my blow in this way, yet you were able to take it and are doing just great. Says the voice with a smile. {Korean Language}

Says a man in a superhero costume.

"Now tell me who you are'' {Korean Language} he demanded, superhero grin suddenly changing to a serious expression.

IJ asked, wiping the dust from his clothes, "First you tell me do you speak English?"

I need to wear something else because these clothes are ripped and I don't know how they managed to last all those years. IJ muses to himself.

''yes I do speak English" says the hero to IJ in English

IJ asks the Hero, "Good, now tell me where can I find this country name Eastern Union of Northern Empire (Union Empire)?"

''Since many nations have been conquered by numerous others, such a nation no longer exists. The United States may have once been one of those nations who might have conquered your country.''

The hero points his finger at IJ and says, "Before that, tell me who you are and surrender yourself right now."

"then make me give up" IJ rushes on the hero while grinning.

The hero feels a tremendous amount of pressure from gravity as he tries to move.

''what's this pressure I can't move at all'' says the hero

He turns to face IJ and notices the fist in front of his eyes about to hit him.
