Chapter 15

Ashley's POV:

"No... no, we didn't hang out together. I got thirsty and we coincidentally met there." I explain. It isn't a lie. I just don't tell the details. Hudson grabs my wrist and hands out my bracelet on the palm of my hand. He stares at me. But not like always. This time it seems he's disappointed. But why?

"Thank you," I say but he just leaves the room with no words.

"Did I miss something?" Meredith says worried. Actually, a lot.

"No, why?" I ask nervously.

"It looked like he is mad at you." She says and I think Meredith is right. He really seemed like he's mad at me. I should talk to him about it. I can't stand it when people are mad at me. I immediately try to change this. I am educated as a woman who doesn't disappoint people. Even though I disappointed my family by leaving. But that was because my family was used to, me not wanting to disappoint them.

"I don't think so. We didn't even talk much. How is he going to be mad at me?" I say and recognize I am lying a bit.

"Yeah, you are right. So let's get lunch!" She says and I breathe in relief.

At lunch, Hudson sits right in front of me but ignores me. He didn't look at me. He wanted water but asked Meredith to give him the bottle even if it was nearer to me. Hudson tells his mom that he wants to help with the dishes. So I had an idea.

"I want to help with the dishes, Marie-Anne. As a thank you for letting me stay here." I smile.

"Oh dear, you don't have to." Marie-Anne says.

"I want to. Please, just rest and I am going to help." I tell her and stand up to follow Hudson to the kitchen. I know he heard me and is maybe a little annoyed but I don't care.

I'm putting the dishes in the dishwasher and he's bringing the rest from the table. When I'm done putting them in I have to wash two tins and one big pot. I start with the pot but it'very heavy. He recognizes that I can't hold it for long and immediately comes behind me and carries the pot.

"You helped enough. I'm finishing this." He snaps and moves from behind me.

"Why are acting like this?" I frown. He turns to face me.

"I didn't know that you were so ashamed to hang out with me and that you constantly ignore what happens around you." He frowns disappointed.

"I was not ashamed of hanging out with you. We didn't even hang out. We just talked!" I almost yell. Actually, I wanted to fix this but he's challenging me.

"Yes, we were talking but then..." He stops talking and stares at me with wide eyes.

"Then what? You wanted to kiss me?" I ask and immediately regret it.

"I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry. Maybe I was really tired and acted like a jerk." Hudson says looking ashamed at the ground. I can't be mad at him when he is like this.

"Ok. I forgive you. So can we be just friends now?" I smile. I know this was too easy but it's kind of my fault too. I made signs he misunderstood.

"Yes, sure." He smiles back.

"Ok, friend. Let me help you with the pot and tins." I smirk.

"I will wash the pot and you can continue with the tin, friend." He chuckles. Now it's getting finally amusing.

After we finished the tables I was stinking like a fish. I had to take a shower and asked Meredith for a towel. She left the room and came back with a big black towel and I thanked her.

When I finished my shower I remember that I forgot my underwear in a bag that is still in Hudson's bedroom. I sneak from the bathroom to his bedroom while he's downstairs. When I find my underwear I want to go leave his room but he already entered. He is starring at me from head to toe and I remember that I am just wearing a towel. I feel so naked and move my bag to hide my shoulders and stare ashamed at him.

He walks with slow steps towards me. The nearer he comes the more I get nervous. When our bodies and faces are inches apart he stops.

...(to be continued)