Chapter 16

Ashley's POV:

"From where did you get this towel, Ashley?" He asks and I can see he's trying to hide a smile.

"Meredith gave it to me." I answer still nervous.

"Oh, so Meredith gave you my towel?" He says smiling. What?! I'm wearing Hudson's towel? I stare at the towel around my body and back into his eyes.

"This... is your... towel?" I stutter and show on the objects my finger. I can't believe Meredith gave me his towel. Please, let this be a joke.

"Exactly and I'm serious." He says like he's reading my mind.

"Oh, I... I'm really s-sorry. I'll bring it back when I get dressed." I stutter and overthink the words I just spoke out loud. I should let it wash first of course. When I'm nervous I sometimes talk weird stuff and stutter all the time. I hate to show it like this.

"It's ok, I'm not mad at you. Don't worry but you better don't show off next time half-naked in my room or I can't hold back myself." He chuckles and I roll my eyes. I know he's just messing with me. And then he walks 2 steps back so I can have some space to walk out. At the door, I turn around to face him again.

"Hudson? I'm sorry, again." I smile nervously in apology.

"It was a pleasure for me." He chuckles. And I roll my eyes but hold a smile back. When I'm back in Meredith's I finally can smile.

"Oho, it looks like armor hit you with his arrow." Meredith giggles. Oh my God, I didn't notice her here.

"What? Pff, no of course not! I'm just smiling like I always do though." I say nervously.

"Ehem, yes of course! Tell me when you know it. But now let's go to the grocery store. My mom needs some things and I don't want to go alone." She says and I'm relieved she doesn't ask more.

After we bought all stuff Marie-Anne needed we came back and helped her making dinner. Marie-Anne did let me do almost nothing but I tried to help anyway. It's anything I can do for letting me stay here. When we finish eating dinner Meredith and I did the washing up and had at the end a water battle. We went to our rooms to wear some dry clothes and laughed all the time. Until we got tired.

"Ashley, let's watch a movie!" Meredith says.

"I thought you are too tired." I playfully repeat her words.

"No, I'm not anymore. Let's watch!" She says and we decide which movie we watch and Meredith gets some snacks.

After an hour she fells asleep and I start to tidy up all the snacks and stuff we left.

Hudson's POV:

When I saw her in my room with my towel around her body I was surprised. But nobody would've looked that good in that damn towel like she did. So I started to mess with her a little.

After she walked out I decided to watch TV that I've got on my wall. While I lay on my bed I can watch my series though but I catch myself thinking of Ashley. The words I said to her that night before I wanted to kiss her were no lies. I don't know what she's doing with me but it feels good.

I once had a girlfriend in Washington but it didn't end well. The girl I liked cheated on me with one of my closest friends I had and since then I don't want to think about relationships or love. This happened when I was 20 years old. Now I'm 24 and my parents are worried that I wouldn't have a relationship anymore.

After thinking about relationships and love I fell asleep. One hour later someone is knocking on my door. I look at the time and see it's 2 a.m. When I'm awake I stand up and open it. All I can see is a girl with some hot black shorts and a plain black T-shirt. She has my towel folded in her hands and holds it out. I sober and finally see who it is. Ashley.

... (to be continued)