Chapter 6

It's two days before Christmas.

And when Joseph got out of bed

His sister walked in, filled up with dread.

Megan said, "Joseph, Noah has come down with covid, I fear. So, we will do things a little bit differently this year. We're not doing our traditions, my dear. You have to work tomorrow morning anyway. So, choose because you may. You can pack your things and come over or sleep here tonight and come to Mom's tomorrow when it's light."

Joseph said, "I need some time to make up my mind. But I'll decide. Thanks for being so kind."

Megan left Joseph's room and started to play Christmas carols. Joseph found it as no threat.

She also checked on Joseph and asked him if he had an answer yet.

Megan said, "Think you're going to sleep here tonight?"

Joseph said, "I just might."

Megan said, "Ok. If that's what you want or deserve. I might have you pick up the trash and recycling bins for the curve."

Because he was too tired last night

Joseph started to write

And while he wrote a set,

Megan asked him if he's made up his mind yet

Joseph said, "Not yet, but I'm pretty close."

Megan said, "Which one are you leaning toward the most?"

Joseph said, "I'll stay here for the night."

Megan said, "Tonight?"

Joseph said, "Yes."

Megan said, "Sounds like a good idea, I guess. I have to leave soon, and you're not ready. But you will be tomorrow when everything is all steady."

Joseph continued his writing and finished what he had started the previous day.

Joseph said, "Ok, time to get ready for work, I'll say."

Joseph got dressed, and Megan got ready

To go to their mom's house will be very merry.

Meanwhile, at Target, the employees wore their best pairs of socks.

For Sock It To Me Thursday

And each of them kept an eye on their Christmas clocks.

Then Tyree, Nicole, and Ed all played Jingle Bells

While they jingled their bells.

And the guests bought what their store sells.

The employees also put an angel at the top of their Starbucks Christmas tree.

Since it brightened up the stand, they did it so everyone could see.

Meanwhile, Joseph was getting ready for both work and Christmas

He dug through his laundry and got down to business.

He got his clothes for his shower

And when he got out,

He had to be ready for work in one hour.

Joseph dug through his laundry again

Put the clean ones in a basket

And the dirty ones in the washer, then.

He needed some clean ones for the next three days

But only had some for this Christmas craze.

Just when Joseph was about to start work

He saw an envelope with his name on it

And he then started to smirk.

Joseph opened the envelope and found a card inside

He read it to himself and got very dignified.

After Joseph read his thank you Christmas card,

Sherri called him into Calvin's office

To talk about her concerns and some things being hard.

They spoke about a few bad things that just happened recently

And they tried to confront each other very decently.

When their talk was over, Joseph got down to business

He went up front, hoping he had forgiveness.

Joseph then thought about the card he had got

And he realized his bosses liked him a lot.

Joseph said, "Gee, they all like me. Maybe I should try to like them all again. How hard can it be?"

The business was crazy, and Joseph tried to catch up.

Then he got a drink from his cup.

Joseph played music while he worked, but it kept turning off and wouldn't play.

Joseph said, "Why is my music stopping? I guess it needs the WiFi to work. At least that's what I say."

When Joseph got inside, Cory, Sophia, and Chayce started to sing The Twelve Days of Christmas

But Joseph ignored them and got back to business.

After a while, Joseph looked at his watch

And saw it was time for his first fifteen

So he brought in his cart train and did it without the machine.

Joseph ordered his dinner on the first of his breaks

He got all his favorites from McDonald's

Including chocolate and vanilla shakes.

When his fifteen was over, Joseph got back to work

And when back outside with a confident smirk.

While working, Joseph ran into Edie English's sister-in-law, Patty.

Patty pointed at Joseph and started to get chatty.

Patty said, "Hey, you're Katie's son. Isn't that true?"

Joseph said, "Yes. How'd you know? Did someone tell you?"

Patty said, "I'm Patty, Edie's sister-in-law. Her brother is outside. At least the last time I saw."

Joseph didn't see Edie's brother, Jason.

Joseph said, "I don't see him; he must not have wanted to have a conversation."

Patty then left, and Joseph went back outside very deft.

Joseph went back to work outside

And when a lady saw him working,

She gave him five dollars he had set aside.

They wished each other a Merry Christmas.

And then the lady left, and Joseph got back to business.

The break room had root beer floats

But Joseph didn't like them

So he stuck to what he ordered

And ate it after he took off his coats.

After Joseph ate, he started to get organized

And saw the store getting advertised

With all the Christmas lights surrounding it

Each one is well-lit.

Joseph said, "Look at all the pretty lights. They lighten up the parking lot on these nights."

Joseph put all the carts in the parking lot in one big chain

And since they were close to closing, Joseph had to use the machine

To push in a more miniature train.

While working, Joseph had to bring an ameba inside.

He got on it, and a guest recognized him before starting the ride.

The man said, "Hey, I recognize you. I've seen you here before, and this is what you do. How long have you worked here?"

Joseph said, "Seven years. I love my career."

They then wished each other a Merry Christmas

And Joseph got back down to business.

He drove the ameba back inside.

And drove it to the charging station that he eyed.

After Joseph plugged the ameba into the charging station,

He went back outside with a little more hydration.

He broke off a set and pushed it in.

And by using the machine, he got done fast

And didn't do any damage within.

Raven then locked one of the cart doors.

Raven said, "Hey Joseph, this one is locked, but the other is yours."

Joseph finished his work a little after closing.

And since he was inside, Raven thought she could lock the other carts

At least, that's what she was supposing.

Joseph then did a walk around the store

Joseph said, "Time to do a walk. That's what these hand baskets are for."

Joseph started to spread the hand baskets and collect stay carts

When he ran into Noah, who's in charge of the winter arts.

Noah took some paper and scissors and started to cut

And showed Joseph he made a snowflake chain and a small winter hut.

Joseph said, "Neat. You should put these on display."

Noah said, "I would if I could. I even have this poinsettia bouquet. There's nowhere to put them; I've looked all around. We have so many decorations that every place got found."

Joseph said, "I know one place you could put them without any mayhem. You could give them to the baby Jesus, where the decorating committee set up the life-size display of Bethlehem."

Noah said, "Not a bad idea. You're the idea, Joe. I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner. Are you here tomorrow?"

Joseph said, "I sure am. But I only work in the late morning and afternoon. I'm hoping that sometime this craze will end soon."

Noah said, "I work at night, so maybe I'll see you. If I don't, I hope your Christmas is white and not blue."

After Joseph finished work, Kent got him and drove him home to roam.

Kent said, "You had a long day. Aren't you tired?"

Joseph said, "Not really. A little writing is something desired."

Kent said, "Really? Because it's late. It's past midnight; I would like to state."

Joseph said, "I know, but I like the night. It doesn't give me an ounce of fright."

Home is where Joseph got brought.

And just before he left, Joseph showed Kent the card he got.

Kent liked it, and then Joseph walked into his house with a yawn

He then got ready for bed and slept through dawn.