Chapter 7

It's the day before Christmas

Christmas Eve, to be exact

And when Joseph woke up,

He got up early to get packed.

Before he left to get to work at the shop.

He also did a little writing.

Which, to him, is exciting.

After he watched a show on his laptop,

He got up and got dressed

Into something flannel.

I bet you would never have guessed.

It was Flannel Friday at Joseph's place of work.

And everyone was wearing flannel clothing with a happy smirk.

Joseph then went on Facebook on his laptop

And wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Eve

Megan then texted and warned him about how work would make him dizzy.

By saying she was there earlier, and the place was busy.

He then texted his family Merry Christmas like he does every year

But he didn't have time to text everyone else

Since he had to leave for work in high gear,

He grabbed his bags and then left the house,

But his bags were so heavy he was begging for a water douse.

He set the bags down every so often,

And he felt that his Christmas hat could soften

Joseph finally got to work in the a.m.

And stashed his bags away, hoping a store clerk wouldn't find them.

While Joseph was working, the business started to make him tired and mad

So Cory, Sophia, and Chayce sang Holly Jolly Christmas to Joseph since they thought he was sad.

Cory said, "You don't look delighted. And it's Christmas Eve."

Sophia said, "And everyone should have a smile. That's the one thing everyone should achieve."

Joseph said, "Gee, guys. You're nice, especially when it comes to your songs."

Chayce said, "So what do you say you put that smile back on your face where it belongs."

Chayce and Joseph were practically inseparable for all of Joseph's shift.

Then Joseph went on break and had a small pizza box, which gave him a facelift.

Anjelica said, "Hi, Joseph. Merry Christmas Eve to you."

Joseph said, "Hi, Anjelica. Merry Christmas Eve to you too."

Gabby said, "Hey Joseph, how's the pizza? Is it good?"

Joseph gave Gabby a thumbs-up since he could

And he couldn't talk with his mouth full.

Gabby said, "Good. It looks like you had a mouthful."

Joseph relaxed during his break and started to cool down

When Joseph finished his break,

He got back to work and back in the quake.

Joseph took a soda drink, and Sheila saw him and thought he was talk-worthy.

Sheila said, "Hey Joseph, are you thirsty?"

Joseph said, "Yes. I want a drink before I get back outside."

Sheila asked, "How long have you worked here since you qualified?"

Joseph said, "Seven years, it appears. How long have you been?"

Sheila said, "A few months, maybe two. How old are you?"

Joseph said, "Twenty-six. My appearance makes a scene."

Sheila said, "I'll say. I thought you were younger. I thought you were seventeen."

A guest then asked Sheila if Joseph could help her get a box in her car

Joseph said, "I can, but you should ask me. That would take you far."

The lady said, "Really? It's in your job description?"

Joseph said, "Sure is. And I'll love to do it for the holiday addiction."

Joseph helped the lady by lifting the box into the trunk of her car.

The lady said, "What a Christmas angel you are. Do you take tips?"

Joseph said, "This time of year, I get many in my grips."

The lady gave Joseph ten dollars and wished him a Merry Christmas Eve, which he found pleasing.

Then Joseph thanked her and wished the lady a Merry Christmas Eve before leaving.

Joseph then got a text from his sister.

Megan said, "I'll get you from work. And then Mom and I can help you pack."

Joseph said, "Oh, no. I thought I was going straight to the house. So I brought my bags here and stashed them away. You wouldn't believe how much they weigh. Now me carrying them feels like a quack."

Megan said, "Joseph, we don't live too far away, is what I say. You didn't have to bring your bags to Target."

Joseph said, "You could have mentioned that earlier. Then I would have just left them on my carpet."

Joseph tried texting his sister while he was against the restroom door, but he had to move since other men needed to use the restroom in the store.

When he finished, he only had a half-hour left on his shift, and Megan said when four came, she would give him a lift.

When four o clock came, Joseph put his bags in Megan's car. And she drove them home; it wasn't that far.

They re-packed Joseph's stuff since he packed it a little wrongly

But with Megan's help, they got it done shortly.

They then went to their parent's house for Christmas Eve,

And Megan told Joseph to shower

Because he needed one is what she could believe

It also made him mad, and Joseph was going to crack

If he didn't calm down and lay back.

Megan told Joseph to wrap his last presents

For their parents during these events.

Joseph said, "I will. I'm just busy now. Working on my poem. I need to finish it somehow."

Megan said, "Suit yourself but mark my word. Dad's going to be putting the wrapping stuff away soon afterward."

After an hour, Joseph got to gift wrapping.

And put his presents under the tree with the other gifts stacking

Joseph then texted his friend list, Merry Christmas Eve

And his family couldn't be all the return messages he would receive.

The family was eating dinner and was becoming annoyed

By Joseph's musical ringtones that he does not avoid.

His friends texted him, Merry Christmas Eve, back

And Joseph answered as fast as he could.

But patience is something is family sometimes can lack

Megan demanded that he turns it on silent for the next two days

But Joseph said no and then started a craze.

Joseph said, "Megan, this is where I put my foot down. Since we arrived, I've done nothing but what you want because you're helping all around."

Katie then took Joseph's phone and put it on silent

But Joseph turned that off, and everyone started to get violent.

Joseph spent a little time alone in the basement and started to calm down

And when he got back upstairs, the family all gathered around.

On their TV, they all watched the church service they weren't attending

Live on YouTube from beginning to ending.

Because it was their desire.

When the service's songs came,

The family all sang like a church choir.

Meanwhile, the employees were also singing back at Target.

They sang Christmas carols, and no one told them to stop it.

Despite how mad they were, the employees tried to remain calm.

The guests then looked up and saw the

As the hours went by, everyone's business got busier

And getting crazier business was making the employees dizzier.

Cory, Sophia, and Chayce then walked by and sang All I Want for Christmas Is You.

And Tyree, Nicole, and Ed played Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer while they passed through.

When the clock struck midnight, the store finally closed

And since it was Christmas, their anger is what the employees opposed.

They knew they should be happy since it was Christmas

But they also knew they needed some rest and a break from all the business.

On their way out, they saw the Christmas star.

Then they all closed their eyes and made a wish on it, hoping it would go far.

The following day, the whole Target team

went over to their place of work to work, it would seem.

They were disappointed that it was raining and not snowing.

Joseph said, "I wish we could have a white Christmas during the business. Not a rainy green one; it's not as much fun."

The doors got locked since the store got closed,

but then Sherri opened them, and their surprise got exposed

Their Christmas tree lit up, and so did all the lights in the store.

Then Christmas music started to play, and snow began to pour.

The employees were wondering how it was snowing indoors

And they saw the snow machines they used outdoors.

Then they all started to see what was in the store

And had a great Christmas party the LODs planned for them

And they never considered it a bore.

The Target team then spent time together and had a good time with their inside weather.

Just before the Christmas party ended

The Target team gave each other gifts

That their teammates considered splendid.

They unwrapped their gifts and smiled at what they got

They were pleased with what their secret Santas bought.

When their party was over, they went home and spent the holiday at their houses where they roam.

They spent time with their families and their traditions

Despite their rainy weather conditions

The Target team had a Merry Christmas and forgot about their crazy business.