
The Mortal Realms; Ascension Valley, The Immortal World Tree, 2075

A man stood in front of the World Tree, his armor that once gleamed golden in the sun covered in blood and gore from the huge battle happening around him.

"Enigma, why must you resist the Guild Leaders? You know they will never stop until they have your piece of the Legacy. I really do not wish to fight with you anymore." a second man standing before him spoke. His deep voice booming out loudly iver the battlefield.

"None should hold all the power of the First Paragon if they are not willing to pay the price, my friend. You are like a brother to me and I will remember that after you take my life today. I am ready. Come." Enigma didn't mince his words and readied his weapon for a final stand.

It had been 5 years since the release of Paragon, a VRMMORPG that swept the world. Every person on the planet payed the game and every large organization from corporations to governments had a hand in the pie. Enigma couldn't help but reflect on the memories of the time the game first released. When the game was fun and wasn't a fight for every day survival.

His HP was dangerously in the red and he had no MP or Stamina left to use any skills. The fight didn't last long and as his vision faded, Enigma couldn't help but lament that he couldn't find the entire legacy. If only he had found it earlier, or if he had listened to the posts about the items instead of writing them off.


I suddenly opened my eyes with a start, sitting up in my bed quickly as I looked around frantically, trying to figure out what happened. As I looked around I noticed that I had woken up, in my bed, in my old house. The old band posters covering the walls brought back some nostalgic memories.

Before I lost myself, I slapped my cheeks and checked the clock next to my bed. 9:30 Am May 15th, 2070.

'The game releases today. It's also the day I'm supposed to use my college fund to leave for school. I wouldn't join the game until summer break.' In my past life, I had left for school the night the game was released and didn't start playing until college let out for the summer. It was the first mistake I was going to fix.

I quickly dressed and went downstairs to see my mother busy cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart," my mother said as I walked into the kitchen, "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Thanks, mom. I need to talk to you and dad while we eat. It has to do with an opportunity that I feel I must take immediately." Only the big time organizations knew this at the moment, it wouldn't be until just before the new year before the company announced that the game currency and real life money will be connected and bring about a massive economic change to the world.

Those that had been playing Paragon since the beginning had a huge lead on every one else that rushed to the game after the announcement and all of them were at least millionaires. This time around, I was determined to make enough money to take care of my family and their lives. Previously I had lived in poverty even though I was a good gamer. All the way up until I was betrayed by the one friend I never thought could do so.

"I'll make sure you don't stray from your original path this time around, brother." I muttered to myself while I ate breakfast. My parents raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Once I was done eating, I turned to my parents with an intense, serious gaze that held some unknown depth.

"I have decided not to go to college and to become a professional gamer." I dropped this bomb which caused both of my parents to suck in a breath. My mother looked at me, concern in her eyes as she turned to my father before speaking.

"Son, are you sure you want to do this? There is no guarantee that you will succeed and make money. I know you worry about us and that professional gamers make a lot of money, but you don't know if you can do it." I knew my mother was just trying to protect me, but I continued to stare into my father's eyes with that same mysterious, confident look.

" Very well." My father spoke. "You may use your college fund to fund this endeavor, however, you will have to pay me back when you make enough money to make a profit." My mother gasped in shock at his words but didn't argue. "Also, I assume you will be playing the latest VRMMORPG that is being released today?"

"Yes father, I was just about to order my pod to be delivered and set up." My father nodded at my words.

"Very well, I'll leave it to you then. Oh and you can take this opportunity to make a name for yourself in the family. Not many important members know you and that's not always a bad thing. Use your status, son. It is there to help you."

"You know I don't like using my name to get things." I responded dryly, "Is what I would normally say. But I find myself ready to take the mantle of Heir, Father." I bowed my head to my father, a single tear streaking down my face as I remembered how this day went in my past life and the regrets I had. My father was shocked, to say the least and my mother nearly fainted when she heard my words and watched me bow to my father for the first time in my life.

Now, it's not that I didn't respect my father or show respect. I had a code, and I would only bow to a person who deserved my undying loyalty. Never again would I be forced to bow before another person unworthy of my loyalty. My father smiled and grasped my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

"I am so proud of you, my son. I know you will do great things." I was surprised because my father's voice sounded choked up! I had never seen my father emotional like this. I put a hand on his back and hugged him back for a moment before moving back a few steps.

"I am going to prepare for the game launch." I said, before heading back up to my room.

'I should get ahold of him as soon as possible.' I thought as I pulled out my phone and went to the contacts list. 'Here goes, brother.' I pressed call.