
The phone rang twice before it was answered.

"Hey Blake! I was just about to call you man! I'm almost ready to come by so we can head out to school together." Leo's voice was the same as I remembered and I smiled despite my raging emotions.

"Change of plans, Leo. Finish packing up and come to my place. We got big things coming to us." As I spoke to Leo, I was online purchasing two VR pods to be delivered within the hour to my house. I planned for Leo to live here with me in one of the guest rooms and we could build our original dream. A top guild. Power, Influence, Popularity. We had wanted to make a name for ourselves in the beginning before. Now I would make it a reality.

We talked for a few minutes before Leo hung up. A few minutes later he had arrived and entered my house as if he already lived there. My family and I were like a second home to him and he never once thought about who my family really is. He was a unique and rare type of person. One that really deserved my respect and trust.

"So what's up, Blake? Why the shroud of mystery?" Leo asked as we sat on the couch in my room.

"I just ordered two VR pods for us Leo. We are going to be playing Paragon and we are gonna become professional gamers and build a guild under the Corporation that I am Heir to." I laid out the beginnings of my master plan for Leo. I knew he would be on board and I wasn't disappointed in the least with his response.

"Great! We've been wanting this for a long time. I'm glad you finally decided to take the jump." Leo grinned and clapped me on my back with one of his too muscular hands. I chuckled and looked at Leo before responding.

"As long as you keep tanking for me, we can rise to the top of any world." I clapped Leo on the back in return before standing and walking to the door. "You should settle into one of the rooms and wait for the pods to arrive. Then we can get started on our journey."

Leo jumped up and ran out of the room to go get settled in as I went downstairs to my father's study. I knocked lightly on the door before entering. When I stepped inside, my father looked up from his work to acknowledge me and gestured for me to have a seat before speaking.

"So Blake, you believe you are ready to take up the reins as Heir? Tell me, what is your plan to use this game to prove yourself ready?" I smiled, as I knew this would be coming sooner or later.

"I am going to use the Corporation as backing to build the strongest organization in Paragon, father. I know you are already aware of the timeline I have before the announcement from the government. Don't ask how I got that information." I held up a hand as my father opened his mouth to question me, but he quickly stopped after I was done speaking.

"Now as I am sure your are also aware, this won't be cheap so I will need full access to the Company's funding to be a hundred percent successful." I finished my speech and waited for his response. My father nodded and folded his hands in front of him, thinking for a few moments before speaking up.

"That won't be a problem. You will have full access to the Company before you even need to log in. I will have Camilla act as your personal assistant, she will remain loyal to only you and I so that the board can't interfere directly. I have already contacted her and she will be joining you in game to help you. As for your real world affairs, she can also take care of those. You will only need to focus on the game and building this organization." I took my leave shortly after as the VR pods had arrived. I went and let in the technicians and had them set up the two pods in an empty room on the second floor. I planned to turn it into my gaming office so I started with the pods and computer I already owned. After about 30 minutes the pods were set up and ready to be used. I tipped the workers generously and sent them away with big smiles on their faces.

"Okay, we have half an hour before the game launches. Let's take care of our needs and meet up in game." I said to Leo as we were checking out our new pods. Leo nodded and left the room, meanwhile I sat at the desk and began browsing the forums. I wrote a preliminary post anonymously, posting about a new organization that is recruiting for Paragon.