Welcome Paragon!

After finishing the post, there were 15 minutes left before the launch. I entered my pod and began the pre launch character creation.

I was brought to a black space with a mirror in front of me and an old elven gentleman standing next to it.

"Welcome, young paragon. I do hope and trust that you are ready for a journey full of adventure and hardship. First, what shall you be called?"

As the man finished speaking a box showed up in my vision asking for my name.

"I am Enigma," I stated my name. A name that resounded with me in every lifetime. As I spoke a ripple of energy resonated and I could feel the ground tremble slightly.

(Your name has resonated with the heavens and the world! You have been granted a title!)

(The Chosen)

(Grade: ???)


(Effect 1: Increase all experience gained by 50%)

(Effect 2: ???)

(Effect 3: ???)

I raised my eyebrow in surprise at the sudden notification. This never happened in my previous life. I grinned as I thought about the massive gains I would have with a unique title. The fact that some information wasn't available was a good sign of it being a top tier title as well. I was extremely happy.

"Would you like to adjust your appearance?" The elven man asked politely.

"No." I shook my head in reply.

"Very well then, young Enigma. You may chose your Nation, which will dictate your starting point." When the elf finished speaking, a large screen appeared with a massive map of what looked like just Billions or more stars and galaxies.

There were large interstellar Nations marked out and represented with a flag and crest. They appeared in a list.

Sun Imperium

Empire of Magic

United Races Coalition

Demon Empire

Dragon Lords Alliance


There were many options but just one that I was interested in.

The Dragon Lords Alliance. It was the worst start in the game by far, in fact everyone started as a slave and had to complete very specific quests to gain freedom. Normal players had to do that anyway. I knew of a hidden quest that I could activate if I could get in front of one of the Dragon Lords and there was only one way to do that from the start. I would have to solve the one problem that is plaguing the dragons. The Endless Empire. It was an empire of the undead and many of their high ranking liches have been trying to kill off the strong dragons to use their corpses for experiments. But I knew how to trigger the quest and gain my freedom from the start so I wasn't too worried.

"I chose the Dragon Lords Alliance." I spoke with certainty and conviction. 'I will change my fate and the fate of the world.' I thought to myself.

The old elf frowned a bit but said nothing as a portal opened up to take me to my starting point. "Very well young Paragon. Be safe and show all those of the world that you are born of greatness." The elf spoke before disappearing and leaving me alone. I sent a quick message to Leo telling him which nation I chose and warning him about choosing the same but ultimately it was up to him.

After sending the message, I stepped through the portal and appeared in a rundown looking slum area in a large town on the border of some Dragon land.

[Welcome Paragon!]

[Detected Player is in the Dragon Lords Alliance Capital Sector]

[Quest has been generated!]

[Gain Citizenship]

[Difficulty: A]

[Description: You have chosen to begin your journey in the Dragon Lords Alliance, an empire controlled by a council of ancient Dragons. As such, beings that are not Dragonkin are enslaved, though they can gain citizenship by contributing enough to the empire. ]

[Objective: Bring useful information to the attention of the local Dragon Lord]

[Reward: Citizenship, 70 XP, 1000 Gold]

I grinned widely, the quest was exactly the same as before, only this time I knew what information would work the fastest. I quickly made my way to the nearest guard barracks.

It took about 15 minutes but I eventually found the guard barracks and walked up to the person guarding the entrance. The person was a Dragonkin with dark red scales and amber colored eyes. He took a look at me and noticing that I wasn't marked, relaxed a bit.

"What can I do for you?" He asked as I approached.

"I have some information for the local Dragon Lord as I have just arrived here and would like to contribute as much as I can to the empire." I was brief and to the point. No need to ass kiss or beat around the bush. Dragons, and by extension Dragonkin, preferred being direct and not wasting unnecessary time.

The Dragonkin nodded, a respectful glint in his eyes at my direct eye contact and words. "Despite only arriving here you seem to have a good grasp on our customs, this will be good when you are dealing with the captain." After saying that the guard turned and led me into the building towards a set of doors near the back. When we arrived, my escort pulled the door open and announced, "New potential citizen with information as fee." After speaking he gestured to me to enter the room. I nodded lightly and entered the room. What greeted me was a large Dragonkin sitting behind a desk and now looking directly at the door. When I walked in he raised an eyebrow but spoke with no surprise in his voice.

"Well what information do you have that you think is worthy of citizenship?" He directly asked me once I stepped into the room.

"Well I'm sure this information will net me more than just a citizenship but that's up to our local Dragon Lord isn't it? No matter, I have information on undead Lich spies that have infiltrated the Empire. There is one, in particular, named Xero, that is responsible for the princess' current state and is actively trying to perform more experiments on her. I know where he is located and can provide guidance as well as any assistance you may require of me." The man behind the desk scowled at first but then his eyes grew extremely wide and his mouth dropped open as I revealed the information I "gathered".