Rafael was instructed to stay put and watch over Lar and Angela, while he ventured down the street alone with his hand cane following Qi Qi. No matter how fast a child moved, they couldn't outrun Fisher. Fisher saw her figure dash into a small side alley, and when he reached the spot, the alley seemingly no longer held her figure. Yet, Fisher spotted the deep green hem of her dress peeking out beneath a trash rack.
Along with the hem of her dress, there was the soft sound of sobbing.
Fisher sighed and walked into the alley with his hand cane,
"'A petite swallow called out to the giant dragon, conveying her fervent yet gentle feelings through her voice. She said, 'I am a swallow, the smallest of my kind, adoring the grandest creature—the giant dragon. Even though our stature differs as heaven and earth, my soul always meets yours eye to eye, and thus I can boldly proclaim my love for you...'"