46. Prepare

Beneath the ground of Philone City, in a room filled with darkness, only a transparent container filled with pale blue liquid emitted a faint glow, perfectly illuminating Philone, who sat in front of it without speaking, wearing a gas mask.

Inside the container, countless circuits connected to a human brain. Philone's fingers incessantly pressed on the adjacent instrument, and differing levels of electric shocks flowed along the circuits linked to the human brain. As the lights inside flickered, the recording device next to it would tick away, producing curves.

"Perfect, this is the spot!"

Philone's magnetic voice sounded as he lowered his head to note the area stimulated by the electric current at that moment. He then attached another metal-shaped glove to his left hand and silently gazed at the brain in the container. Suddenly, he plunged his hand through the glass container, seizing the fragile brain.