Teacher's Regret

Perseus POV

Ezra came back in the morning with nothing really useful to offer, but that's alright by me, cuz Sterling didn't really give me any deadlines for now, so that means I still got time.

I should also seek out other information about the forbidden grimoire from the captain, maybe his time serving for so long made him encounter a clue about it somewhere, later that day, we met up with those girls who were trying to search for the book, we discussed things here and there, but we didn't get far.

They tried more than I did, and even Shawn is doing more about it than I am, they're going to the library and looking for every book containing any information on grimoires, but to no avail, they then say that they'll try to do research about it away from the campus vicinity during time of deployment.

Their argument is that the school can probably monitor our activities and information may be restricted, so they'll try to use their own personal phones while they're away, they even suggested buying new ones just in case our current ones are already tapped.

Well, I don't really need to worry about those kinds of stuff, I bought mine and following my brother's advice, I followed his instructions to this group of suspicious criminals and had them modify my phone to make it untraceable. Apparently, he knew the method from Sterling, who well, now we know he's a part of that syndicate.


Our flight was long, and we got a special plane for only students who were participating in the program, a lot of students were joining than I thought, about a hundred or so. And we got first-class seats thanks to being in the A class, so I got a lot of envious glares as other students board the plane.

After hours and hours on the plane, we arrived in Japan where most of the students just buy souvenirs once we landed and got passed immigration. After we got to the arrival gates, we head to this person who was holding a sign to invite all the students from the 4 great academies, Professor Everett, confirmed their identity, and we then followed them to the buses.

And on our way, the bus stopped and picked up every instructor every now and then, didn't take long for Captain Ida to get on. We then have a very nice bus ride to the place, it was mostly peaceful apart from the glare of the prof who was sitting with his daughter scaring away every guy and girl from even looking in their direction.

Minerva should really get her mother to keep him under control, apparently, she's a witch stronger than the prof, but she's rarely back on TM island as she's usually participating in fights and skirmishes in some of the most dangerous zones where you can't go 10m without having to fight angels.

Our location is a large naval base, and unlike the military, not all Navy training programs include training programs for young sorcerers, so that's why they're not a famous location if you want to study magic.

It seems that during the program for this project of teaching us youngsters how to fight against angels using captured ones, they're also planning on putting on some sort of performance, an aerial demonstration of sorts.

I can see a lot of high-tech planes on this aircraft carrier and their pilots are currently greeting the public outside the base as we all registered ourselves into the base.

"Perseus...?" a voice uttered

Hmm? English? That's weird.

I turned to see this woman, about 168cm tall, in her 50s, she has brown hair and blue eyes, a very familiar person. Behind her was a group of people around my age, and their eyes widened once they spotted me.

Shawn POV

Damn, their reunion plan was a get-together and traveling to Japan, and with our luck, they are somehow super close by.

We're right outside the naval base and they're like just a couple meters away with a tour guide describing the history of the place to them right at the entrance, this is bad...we don't particularly have any fond memories after Perseus was expelled from the school, I transferred immediately after as well.

The woman then turned to me, I can tell that she's aged a bit since I last saw her, yet I recognized her. Ms. Jones...and as for my classmates, I don't think I remembered any of their names, but some of the faces are familiar, though I wouldn't be able to tell who's who even if my life is on the line.

She then got closer, and Perseus backed away while I mostly just stood still, the captain was just observing us, he doesn't seem to want to stop her from getting close at all.

"Shawn, you're here too." he said and then stopped once she was within proper hearing range, "I see that you both have never stopped your pursuit of becoming a wizard."

She then turned to Perseus and her posture became meeker.

"And you're still wearing...the blindfold." she said in almost a whisper.

I seriously don't know what to do, but all I could was observe my own brother, I want to see what he was going to do because he definitely recognize these people, and after what the class did to him...I don't know if he's going to scream at them to go away or just...

"I'm sorry." Perseus apologized "But I don't know who you are, you must have gotten the wrong person."

He then just quickly turn away and head for the base, Minerva seems to know that something is out of the ordinary, she turned to me and I just signaled her to follow him.

I don't think I can reason with him about this situation, he might need a bit of an outsider's perspective on the matter. He might be tired of hearing the same thin over and over by the same people.

"I see..." Ms. Jones looked like she wanted to cry as she look at the ground

"Ms. Jones." I called out to her anyway