Back To The Mainland (4)

Shawn POV

"Kid, stop the barrier spell and just use any spell to shoot them down! Leave the barrier to Juliette!" Professor Everett ordered, "And leave some of your basic talismans for us as well, we're running out, there's no end to them."

I handed him my talisman case and just stuffed 4 or 5 down my pockets for my own use in case the spells on his high-end wand runs out.

I can tell that it's not looking good, the boat is rusty and is not fast enough as we're surrounded by dozens and dozens of angels, it's ridiculous, I just shoot out spells with the wand and I always hit a target just because there's so many of them.

Perseus is obviously specializing in a closer-range style of fighting, but he resorted to long-range spells anyway as he and the prof lit the skies in blue and yellow light. There are just too many angels and I just heard a sound saying that it'll be about another 20 minutes at the earliest even with the rescue boat meeting us halfway.

I watched as my brother, his face, now without the blindfold, filled with sweat and visible frustration and fatigue, unleashed a torrent of light spells upon the swarming angels and seems to be running out of talismans soon.

Brilliant beams of radiant energy streaked through the air, disintegrating any angels in their path. Beside him, Professor Everett stood tall and composed, but he was the same, his face filled with visible fatigue, they won't be able to hold out for long. With a deep knowledge of magic, he combined the elements of light and water.

Stephanie and Minerva are now using magic to help speed up the boat, Robert was outside helping us by firing from the rifles and was able to help slow down or at least annoy the angels while the other naval officer was driving the boat.

As I supported them from the backlines, I marveled at the synergy between my brother and Professor Everett. Each of them possessed unique skills and strengths, and they complemented one another flawlessly, despite this being the first time where they had to actually fight side by side.

They were capable of covering each other's blind spots and taking down many angels as they were surround our boat.

Captain Ida was in charge of taking down angels coming from the front while I support the other 2 in taking down those that came from behind and above.

But even with their prowess and the rest of our support, the sheer number of angels threatened to overwhelm us. Their glowing wings filled the sky, darkening the already dark night skies and casting an eerie glow over the boat.

Our limits were being tested by the minutes. They are now backing away a bit, but it's only to take a more reserved and conservative attack style so that they'll reduce the number of losses after they noticed our lack of talismans.

The professor, the way he can tell that he's a seasoned mage, he easily commanded the fight with his expertise. He wielded light and water-based spells like an artist, creating a mesmerizing display of power.

With a flick of his wrist, he cast several quick spells that conjured up radiant illusions that danced among the angels, disorienting and bewildering them. Then, he would summon surging waves of water, crashing upon the celestial beings with a force that left them gasping for breath.

My brother would then finish off those that didn't die from the force of his attack by shooting out light beams that pierced the angels and killing those behind them as well while his spell lit up the sky.

As for the captain, I can tell that he got the front covered as flames erupted from his fingertips, swirling around him like a protective shield. He hurled fireballs with deadly accuracy, each strike leaving trails of smoke and scorch marks in its wake. It was just terrifying to watch.

Despite all this, time felt slow to me, I don't know if we can hold on any longer, everyone is really exhausted and it's not like we can take any shifts either, we already ran out of the regular talismans and had to now settle on the basic ones.

Then, through the haze of the relentless combat, I caught a glimpse of something beyond the battlefield. My heart skipped a beat as I squinted through the chaos. There, on the horizon, a faint silhouette appeared a rescue boat.

The sight of it lifted my spirits, infusing me with a renewed sense of hope. They went past the meeting point and we're meeting them earlier than we expected.

Bolts of lightning crackled through the sky, striking down upon the celestial beings while explosions of fire erupted in their midst, temporarily blinding them as we were now preparing to jump onto those boats.

The rescuers are now taking on the attacks of the angels, lessening our burdens, we got close enough, so Perseus create those platforms of light again to transport us to the boats.

There are 3 boats here, and one was supposed to apparently be left behind as the other 2 leaves, I'm still conflicted about that, but we're at a point where we can't argue with it anymore and it's not like I have any authority to challenge it either.

We got on the boat, but we're still not safe yet, we still got ways to go.

I can see many black flickering ropes flying toward the angels and attaching themselves to the angels where I can feel the mana being drained away from the angels and the person who cast it...

"Does this mean I owe you a favor?" Perseus asked

"Nah, I volunteered." Sterling answered, "You look good despite the injuries."

"Yeah, luckily the light element can heal." Perseus replied, "Let's focus, I seriously hate those angels, they seriously are a pain."

We're one step closer to arriving on the mainland by getting on the rescue boat, and even with more skilled wizards and witches, the rescue boats attracted hundreds of angels, we need to get close to the mainland where there are ships and machinery that can stop the storms of flying angels.