The Lost Of Lorena

At first, Miguel didn't realize what had happened. He awake, he realized that she was truly gone.

Miguel screamed in pain for his lost love, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't believe that he would never see her smile again or hear her laugh. He felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.

But as he looked up, he saw Rocky approaching him with a musket in hand. Miguel quickly did a counter-attack against Rocky with his spear, not caring whether he lived or died. He had nothing left to lose.

The fight between Miguel and Rocky was long and brutal. Both of them were skilled fighters, but Miguel had the advantage of being fueled by grief and rage. Rocky's brown bess musket was no match for Miguel's swift movements and deadly accuracy with the spear.

But just as Miguel thought he had won, he saw Henry and a confederate sharpshooter named Henry approaching from behind Rocky. Miguel knew he was outnumbered and outgunned, but he refused to back down.

Just as Henry was about to take aim at Miguel, Vasily appeared out of nowhere with his Berdan 2 rifle. Vasily was an expert marksman and he quickly took out Rocky and Henry with his precise shots.

Miguel fell to his knees, exhausted and overwhelmed with emotion. He couldn't believe that he had lost Lorena

Miguel fell to his knees, exhausted and overwhelmed with emotion. He couldn't believe that he had lost Lorena, the love of his life. Vasily saw the pain in Miguel's eyes and knew that he needed to act fast.

"Where are Henry and Rocky?" Vasily asked urgently.

"They escaped," Miguel replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Vasily cursed under his breath. "We have to go after them. Mr. James is not a forgiving man. If we don't finish our mission, we'll be next."

Miguel nodded, slowly getting to his feet. He was still reeling from Lorena's death, but he knew that Vasily was right. They couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Together, they set out to find Henry and Rocky. They searched high and low, through back alleys and abandoned buildings. Finally, they caught a glimpse of them in the distance.

Miguel and Vasily crept up on them, ready to attack. But just as they were about to strike, they heard a voice behind them.

"Stop right there."

It was Mr. James, their boss. Miguel and Vasily froze, unsure of what to do next.

"You failed your mission," Mr. James said coldly. "You let Henry and Rocky escape. You let your emotions get in the way."

Miguel wanted to protest, to tell Mr. James that he had lost the love of his life. But he knew that it wouldn't make a difference. Mr. James was a ruthless man who only cared about results.

"What do you want us to do?" Vasily asked, his voice steady and controlled.

Mr. James looked at them both with a steely gaze. "You have two options. Either you complete your mission and bring me Henry and Rocky, or you can face the consequences."

Miguel and Vasily exchanged a glance. Vasily, Miguel, and Mr. James stood outside the old plantation house, their eyes fixed on the dilapidated building. It was quiet, too quiet, and they knew that Rocky must be inside and they went in. Mr James sneers at Henry and turns his attention back to Rocky. "You know what happens to slaves who run away, don't you?"

Rocky defiantly holds her ground, cradling Henry in her arms. "I'd rather die than go back to being your property."

Miguel and Vasily exchange another glance, but remain stoic and alert, their rifles trained on Henry and rocky

Mr James steps forward, his anger mounting. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, girl. You're going to regret crossing me."Rocky's heart was pounding in her chest as Mr. James stepped forward, his anger mounting. She had never seen him like this before, and it was clear that she had somehow crossed him. But Rocky was determined not to show any fear. She stood her ground and looked Mr. James straight in the eye.

"What do you want?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Mr. James sneered at her. "You think you're tough, don't you?" he said. "But you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. You're going to regret crossing me."

Rocky felt a chill run down her spine. but she had never thought she would be the one to face his wrath. She knew she had to think fast if she wanted to get out of this alive.

"What do you want from me?" she repeated.

Mr. James stepped closer to her, his breath hot on her face. "I want you to bow down to me," he said. "And if you do, I'll spare Henry and you."

Rocky looked over at Henry, . She could see the fear in his eyes, and she knew she had to do something to save him.

She took a deep breath and slowly lowered herself to the ground, bowing her head in submission. Mr. James grinned triumphantly and reached out to grab her by the arm. Mr James said to his slave if you do not obey me Henry with suffer the consequences. rocky said yes master.