Chapter: Rocky is Back and Serving Her Master James

Rocky had been away from her master James for some time, but she was back now, ready to serve him once again. She knew that her master was a demanding man, but she was determined to do her best for him.

One day, James called for Rocky to see Henry again. Rocky was happy and sad at the same time. She was happy to see Henry again, but she knew that he was in a horrible state. James had been ill-treating him, and Rocky didn't like it one bit.

When Rocky arrived at Henry's cell, she was shocked at the state he was in. He looked thin and weak, his clothes were dirty, and he had cuts and bruises all over his body. Rocky felt her heart break for Henry, but she knew that she had to stay strong.

James approached Rocky and said, "Rocky, you're doing a great job. Your reward is that you can spend time with Henry to clean him up."

Rocky smiled and thanked her master. She knew that this was a rare opportunity to help Henry and make him feel better.

Rocky and Henry sat down and had a conversation. Henry told Rocky about the terrible things that had happened to him while he was in James' custody. He spoke of the pain and suffering he had endured, and of the terrible conditions he had been forced to live in.

Rocky listened carefully, and her heart went out to Henry. She knew that he had been through a lot, and she wanted to help him in any way she could.

As they talked, Henry suddenly said, "I hate when you call him master."

Rocky was taken aback. She had always referred to James as her master, but she could see how it might be offensive to Henry.

"I'm sorry, Henry," Rocky said. Over the next few days, Rocky worked tirelessly to make things better for Henry. She brought him extra food and water, and she even found a way to make his cage more comfortable. She spent hours with him, talking to him and comforting him.James arrived and made his way down to the cell Henry was being held. As he approached the cell, he could see that Henry was sitting on his bed, staring off into space.

"Good afternoon, Henry," James greeted him. "I came to talk to you about something."

Henry looked up at James with a scowl. "What is it you want?"

"I want to talk to you about my slave, Rocky," James replied. "I know we've had our differences in the past, but I want to offer her to you. You can buy her from me if you'd like." if you help me to find my daughter her name is Elizabeth she was kidnap by a Egyptians to use her as bargaining chip. i will become the next president of the confederacy. Henry said yes if you give me her papers right now. Mr James agreed right away.