We walk for another couple of hours. This time, the silence is rife with fear and irritability.
Tom drops his bag to the ground. "Okay, let's take a break." He sits on his pack and opens a bottle of water. "Emily's right. We're going to have to tell everyone else about the airstrip and dock. And if we can't catch the plane, we're going to need the supplies it drops. But I don't want to tell them about everything else. It will only cause undue panic."
"I agree," Marjorie says. She and Tom have gotten really close since we set out on this journey the other day.
"So, we'll tell them about the buildings and the food. Then I will tell them that I found a journal that outlines a delivery schedule. I'll convince Jason that we need to send out a couple small groups to wait for the transport."
"You really think Jason will buy that?" Aiden asks.