
"Michael, in a while, I want to shoot a movie. I guess I will be very busy by then. How about you take charge of the production of the TV series?"

After convincing his three friends, the fourth one, Jack, was also easily persuaded by Levi by promising to give him a role in a movie. For Jack, who has not had any work these days and is eager to become famous, such a promise is enough. His old buddy makes a movie; of course, it is indispensable to give him a role. Moreover, since the director is his friend, asking for a few close-ups is very common. With such benefits, Jack readily agreed.

And after successfully persuading them, Levi's work became much easier. Levi didn't need all the people involved in the production of the movie. Someone had to be in charge of the TV series, and those who stayed in charge of the TV series also had to be the producers of the TV series and were fully responsible for the management of the TV series. Although the investor has now sent a producer, and the screenwriter Bob has done an excellent job, he has to be promoted to producer. As the main TV drama director, Levi's income is definitely not low; it can be said that his income has increased. It was much easier when he mentioned to Michael that he wanted him to become the new director of the series.

Sure enough, when a few people left the party later, Michael, who was slightly drunk, heard Levi's suggestion without any objection. He clapped his hands and readily agreed to the request. Moreover, after agreeing, he did not forget to ask again, "Do you need my help with the film preparation?"

"I have yet to make specific preparations and am still determining what is needed. I can probably write the storyline but can't do the details. Costumes, Sets, Props - these things have to be arranged after Bob investigates the information, and these things may also need your help."

Levi and Michael were talking, but his words were interrupted.

"Hey, my big boys, what are you talking about?"

The people around Levi didn't give Levi and Michael any chance to chat anymore. With her soft body lying in Levi's arms, a woman turned towards Levi and spoke, interrupting Levi's thoughts. Although they have left the party, Levi's celebration is not over yet. During the party, several of them directly invited several models to hang out and then continued the carnival in the nightclub. Clark has found someone to discuss art in private while the rest, including Levi and Michael, are still playing in the nightclub.

The more chaotic and bigger the party, the more complete the various people are. Maybe for some people, this is a good place to talk about desires, but for people like Levi, the meaning of the party is to enjoy and have fun.

Next to Levi, Michael plays more aggressively. There are many models around him, and these models have also been drinking heavily and pouring wine into Michael's wine glass. They were holding up the wine glass, listening to him laughing while swallowing the wine and filling his glass again. His hands were still moving on the models, and Levi knew that he would not listen to it even if he had something to say. He didn't waste his time anymore, hugged the girl beside him, and started teasing her too.

Levi shut his mouth, but Michael drank a few more glasses and started flirting with the models. After drinking a glass of wine, his interest became more intense, "We are talking about filming. Beauty, I am not talking to you now. I am the owner of a film company, and this is the director of our company. Right now, he is preparing to make a film and is asking for my permission."

Michael's words cannot be said to be lies. Still, the way he spoke made it easy for people to misunderstand that he was the real boss, which made the eyes of the girls around him light up. They clung to Michael even tighter, and a girl next to Michael already was quite curious and directly asked, "What kind of movie are you going to shoot? Is it cool?"

"Of course, this is a cool movie. How could the movie I made not be cool?" Michael didn't know what the movie was about, but this did not prevent him from talking nonsense, "This movie is very cool; if you don't believe me, just ask the director."

The eyes of several models around became brighter, and Levi, on the other side, was also slightly amused: he understood the thoughts of these people. The modeling industry and the showbiz circle have some intersections, but the difference is not small. If we talk about the life of the lower class, models may be better than actors, and the income of models at the bottom of the circle is slightly higher than that of actors at the bottom. But at the upper level, the income of the modeling industry is entirely different from that of the showbiz. Even if they are third-rate starlets, if they work hard and act more in a year, their income will be much higher than that of models. The lives of models are not easy; dieting and losing weight is quite exhausting. If they have the opportunity to be actors, they are, of course, willing to try it.

From Cameron Diaz to Halle Berry, there are plenty of women turned actresses from models. Top models earn more than 10,000 a day, which is really low compared to the 10 million salaries of celebrities.

Although these girls thought they were covering it up very well, they still showed a hint of eagerness. How could people like Levi and Michael, who had mixed up in Hollywood, fail to see what they were thinking?

"What we are going to shoot is a secret agent movie, and the heroine is a top beauty in the country." Strictly speaking, what Levi said is absolutely true, but he only interprets the movie he shot as a 007 type, "The investment is not very high, about 20 million. If the film is to be shot, of course, we need a heroine. As for the requirements for the heroine, of course, it goes without saying that she should be young and beautiful. The further requirement is to have a good temperament. The heroine is a stage actor, and she must show a good enough aura on the stage so that people around her can focus all their attention on the stage. The most important thing about her is an Eastern European, and if there are more, I have to discuss further with my boss to see how to write it." Levi's words made several girls around Michael even happier. How could an investment of 20 million be considered low? This is already a big production. As for the modeling industry, Eastern Europe and Brazil accounted for the vast majority. The director pointed out that Eastern Europeans were used, so they naturally pestered Michael even more excitedly and started to ask questions.

The nightlife in this circle is really exciting.

Levi himself held a wine glass, greeted Michael, then turned around and left with his female companion. Michael must be quite happy tonight, and it's time for him to rest and relax.

It's just that he has to pay attention to himself: his own movie really needs to be shot well, and there can't be any negligence in the selection of actors and crew members. Even these high-income models are flocking to become actors, which also shows how popular movie stars are. If you really want to shoot the movie well, you have to prepare early.

This movie is his first work and is absolutely not to be neglected.


After the support of his friends, he spent Halloween with his friends and had a great time. After Halloween, Levi began to prepare to make a movie.

"After this Thanksgiving, I'm going to make a little adjustment. I want Bob to go to Europe and help me with some business there. Our script now has fifteen episodes, and we can last one month. Bob should be able to come back after a month. If not, then Clark and I will temporarily take charge of the matter here. Clark, take a serious look at Bob's work and understand the characteristics of the TV series. Don't mess it up."

Since Levi asked Bob to go to Europe to collect information, he must find someone to care for the rest of the matter here. When he returned to Hollywood, he called a few companions and talked about the next steps.

Fortunately, at this time, Clark can fully shoulder this task. He is Levi's college classmate from the NYU university course and is a major in film production. When they were studying, they learned screenwriting, directing, producing, and everything. From the scene reporter to the producer, Clark can also do everything. It's just that his lines' writing skill is not as good as Bob's, but it's definitely not a problem for the TV series to last for a few episodes.

In this regard, Clark has no opinion. He knew what Bob would do, and he knew very well how it would benefit the company's future.

"Besides, our people are ready, and money is not a problem. The rest is to contact the distributor. We can't wait until the film is produced before looking for distributors, publicity links, and distributors' opinions. We also have to consider it in the early stage. We don't have any connections; we can contact CBS and ask them to help us."

In Levi's view, this matter is just a trivial matter for CBS. They can be considered a big company. They can surely help to contact a distributor in Hollywood.

However, beside Levi, Alexander's expression was somewhat awkward. Under Levi's questioning eyes, he spoke reluctantly, "Leslie from CBS and I just talked on the phone. Unfortunately, he advised us not to make a movie but to make a TV show."

CBS doesn't want to support them? Levi frowned: This is a bit troublesome.


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri and Abdishakur Hasan.

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