
"Nick, you know that you are the talents I discovered and brought to CBS. Of course, I support your ideas unconditionally." Levi and Alexander came to Leslie Moonves's, from CBS, office the next day. Leslie was already waiting for them when they arrived at his office. As soon as the two of them entered the door, he immediately greeted them with sweet words, as if he had changed his position overnight. It's just that Levi is not a three-year-old child. Sweet words can often be followed by the word "but."

"I can support you unconditionally, and you should also support me, right? Guys, the ratings of the first season of CSI are already so good. In the second season, the ratings will definitely increase. We can make it become the No. 1 TV series in the United States. The production fee will rise in the next season, and you can earn more." Sure enough, after expressing the politeness, it is to throw out a bigger temptation. Then, it is time for bitterness, "Also, forgive me for my difficulties: changing the producer of a TV series is a big event, and many TV series are ruined like this. CBS certainly can't just watch you ruin CSI like this. If you leave, the company's upper management will definitely reprimand me. You have to think about it for me."

Hearing that Leslie didn't support him yesterday, Levi immediately called and asked to meet him, and it was almost as Levi imagined. After meeting Levi, Leslie negotiated with Levi using various methods, and his purpose was only one: he hoped that Levi would not do anything else and continue to film CSI.

Listening to what he said, Levi just snorted coldly: How could Levi be happy when he said so much, and he was against Levi?

His idea is not difficult to understand: After all, Leslie is from CBS, and CBS is a TV station, not a film company. If Levi were to become a film director, it would not benefit CBS. CSI is the hit show right now, and CBS fears it will suffer.

As a capitalist, he naturally hopes that his workers will work hard for him day and night. Which capitalist would be very happy when he hears that his workers want to change jobs?

It's just that they seem to have overlooked something.

"Leslie, I understand what CBS thinks." Levi didn't say he understood Leslie but emphasized CBS, lest Leslie use the relationship of friends to talk about things, "But, you also have to know, even if you don't support it, I want to make a movie. You should understand this."

Levi is also a rich man now and can still afford a movie that costs 20 million dollars. The purpose of fighting for CBS's support is to improve the connections, but it is not difficult to shoot without the support.

Seeing that Leslie wanted to talk, Levi immediately spoke again, "Besides, CSI's production has already scaled up. As you said, this TV series is destined to have high ratings. What I can do well, someone else will do it. Now, it's time for me to pursue my further dream, and I need your understanding and support." Levi also clarified his attitude, which made Leslie Laugh, "Nick, you are indeed a very talented person. I don't doubt it. It's just...Nick, how old are you this year? 24? Or 25? Dude, you are too young. A good director has to accumulate life, only life can produce accumulation, and accumulation can make good movies. You are too young, and it is too early to shoot movies. In two years, you can shoot movies again, and you can shoot even better. Moreover, I will support you unconditionally—Distributors, studios, film crews, whatever you need, I can give you."

"Unfortunately, I can't wait for two years." Levi also understood: In the final analysis, Leslie still doesn't think Levi has the ability to make a good movie - he does not believe that Levi has the ability to become a great director. In his opinion, Levi is too young. At this age, it is okay to shoot TV dramas, but it is definitely not good to shoot movies, so he chose not to support Levi but instead wanted to suppress Levi so that he continues to work for him honestly.

He is a cash cow for CBS and cannot be let go easily. It's not easy to produce a hit drama; how can he be allowed to do anything wrong?

Levi figured out what was going on, thought for a while, and finally figured out what to do, "Leslie, do you think I can't make a good movie? It's just a pity that someone has a different opinion from you."


"Me." Levi answered immediately, "I think I can make good movies. And, Leslie, you know, my vision is much better than yours. I see myself more accurately."

"Your vision is much better than mine?" Leslie laughed, "Nick, you're really kidding. This year, I've discovered that 'Everyone loves Raymond,' CSI, and JAG; I even discovered you, who is such a unique talent! Are you sure your vision is much better than mine?"

Although flattering to Levi, Leslie's words carried a unique conceit: he has achieved outstanding work this year and has enough recognition for his vision.

"You think you're good because I haven't done similar work, and you can't see my level." Levi immediately answered, "Let's make a bet, just bet, how good our eyesight is. How about it?"

"Bet? How to bet?"

"If there is such a program with a rating of 20% and a market share of 50%, how much money can CBS make from it?" Levi carelessly asked.

"20%?" This number made Leslie suddenly feel excited, but after the excitement, he felt a huge sense of loss, "Do you know what 20% ratings mean? The number of viewers must be at least 20 million. Except for the football game Super Bowl, the TV programs that have reached this number are all classics! How could you come up with such a program casually? Nick, don't be mad; you are speaking absurdly."

"No, This is not an angry remark. I have this confidence. Moreover, I did not say that this is what I thought. I said I just wanted to be busy with the movie now; I am too lazy to think about other things. I am betting on my eyesight: Recently, I saw someone else had a good idea, I think it is very good to use it, and it is estimated that it can reach this level of ratings."

"20%? It's not even your own idea. It's just that you bought someone else's idea and bought it to make it?" Leslie repeated Levi's words and then burst out laughing, "Nick, you're a genius, but you know what my job is. My job is to keep an eye on all the good shows on the market with the possibility of earning money. If there is such a good show, I will see it first and buy it. That's my job. Why do you think that I can't see someone else's creativity, but you can see it?"

"I said because my eyesight is better than yours. Leslie, your estimate of me is too low, my ability is stronger than you imagined, and my eyesight is definitely better than yours, but unfortunately, you can't see it. Now, you just need to tell me how much money such a program can make."

Leslie stared at Levi, speechless.

Levi is very smart: his approach is similar to Leslie's humble but uncompromising tone. Although his tone is a bit annoying, the benefits are also amazing if what he said is true. With benefits, even if Levi yells at Leslie, Leslie can understand it as a genius's strange temper and listens with gusto. The bait thrown by Levi was big enough that he couldn't refuse it.

He is not gambling; he is throwing interests and negotiating with CBS.

If it were half a year ago, Leslie would definitely not bother to pay attention to this. At that time, Levi was just a weakling, waiting for an opportunity in front of Leslie. But now, his identity is different. Now that he is already a well-known producer, he can negotiate with the TV station.

Shooting movies is not suitable for CBS. CBS can refuse them, but TV shows... CBS can't afford to refuse.

This was Levi's negotiation with CBS. He had accumulated the status he had acquired for half a year, and he offered enough bargaining chips that Leslie was unable to refuse.

It's just that this condition is too crazy. 20% ratings? How can this be? This kind of TV program must be in short supply. How can it be put there and wait for people to buy it? If there is such a thing on the market, don't you know? How could such a thing exist? If you just buy something and it becomes a hit show—if Levi really has the ability to turn stones into gold, he can do whatever he wants, and CBS will definitely accompany him to the end, but is that possible?

"If there is a TV show with a 20% rating, I'm afraid it will bring hundreds of millions of profits to CBS every year." Leslie couldn't help but think of the 20% rating. Although he knew it was impossible, he couldn't help but fantasize, "If there is such a thing, in order to get it, let alone support you to make a movie, I will do anything you ask me to do. Anything. Just trust me, Nick, there's no such thing."

"No, as I said, it's just that you don't have the same vision as I do. That's it. I'll find a TV show with 20% ratings, and you must support me in making a movie. It's a bet." Levi didn't argue with him. He knew that as long as he proved that his value was not just a CSI and he could succeed casually in the field of TV programs, then CBS would definitely change its strategy.

So, in front of Leslie, he talked to Alexander, who was on the side, "Alex, did you hear our bet? You are a witness, and you are also a laborer—it's hard work for you. Let's take a trip to England and help me buy what I fancy. Remember, the name of that show is 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.'"


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri and Abdishakur Hasan.

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