Schedule Collision

Time passes day by day, and life in Hollywood is going on typically as usual.

Levi's movie is still being promoted, but the promotion of his film cannot affect other people's lives. After all, it is awards season, when Hollywood stars are all eager to steal the spotlight. At this time, people still pay more attention to those awards.

During this time, Levi took his own people and was doing editing in his company, while outside his company, Hollywood was bustling with excitement.

However, this award is really meaningless.

Although Chicago, which won Best Picture, is considered a good movie as a musical, it somewhat relied on the success of Moulin Rouge, which was released some time ago. Compared with Moulin Rouge, this film was a little rough, and it was somewhat controversial when it won the Best Film.

The awarding of this award is more of an affirmation of musicals.

Compared with other movies, musicals are different in shooting. The most troublesome part of this kind of movies is their music and choreography. For a musical to be successful, it requires a lot of music, dance, costumes, and scenes, and all these need professionals. 

Without their support, the film would not be possible. 

Dance movements pursue beauty, but when dance movements are filmed, in addition to beauty, you also need to pay attention to the expression and dialogue of body language. 

The use of space in this kind of movie is not something that amateurs can do well, and shooting is also troublesome. Disney usually has a lot of dance instructors because they know how difficult these things are.

In the 1990s, musicals fell into a trough, but over the years, a series of movies such as Dancer in the Dark, Moulin Rouge, and Chicago have once again revived this film genre. These movies have saved a genre, which many people are happy to see. This award is more like a support for this genre of movies.

It's just that the quality of the movie Chicago is a bit poor after all, and it wasn't able to get the Best Director. 

This year's Best Director award went to Roman Polanski - although his The Pianist also had various problems, he demonstrated his skills to the fullest. The shots in The Pianist are completely textbook-level lens use; the standard of this movie was also highly praised.

However, it is a pity that Roman Polanski himself cannot come to receive the award: he is still a wanted criminal in the United States and will be arrested if he sets foot on American soil.

Of these two awards, one is a bit of a consolation, and the other is a bit disappointing because the winner cannot come. The remaining awards are even more depressing. 

The Best Actor award went to the young Adrien Brody, the only actor under 30 to take home that award.

To the surprise of many people, the Best Actress award went to Nicole Kidman, who did not win a Golden Globe Award or a Screen Actors Guild Award, which is even more unimaginable.

"This is the worst Oscar. In the past ten years, there has never been any Oscar that was worse than this one." The media directly commented on this result. 

None of the four most important awards is satisfactory. Best Picture is like a consolation prize, Best Director is an absentee prize, and the Best Actor and Actress award was really unexpected; the youngest male lead and the female lead who didn't get any fronts. 

This awards ceremony lacks enough charm, no matter how you look at it.

In the past, the media would feel that there were always some familiar faces at the Oscars, which was really annoying. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep show up every year, making the Oscars feel like an annual party. 

However, this time, none of these people came, and the media had a new problem: none of them came, and this time the Oscars were really boring. It is difficult for an actor of Brody's caliber to claim the title of star. The awards they receive always feel a bit undeserved.

Even though people said Levi was very successful, he missed out on awards in the first year, missed out on Best Director in the second year, won a consolation prize for Best Director in the third year, and only really succeeded in the fourth year. Why is it so easy for these young people to succeed now?

And another thing is also something that attracts people's attention.

After last year's Lord of the Rings, this year's Lord of the Rings 2 failed to win a major award again. For two consecutive years, two movies have won the box office championship for two years, but at the Oscars, they both failed, making people feel aggrieved for Peter Jackson.

For the Lord of the Rings movies, people's reviews are still excellent.

To be fair, it is difficult to say that the Lord of the Rings trilogy has any ideological depth: after all, this movie was changed from the novel long ago and became a fairy tale for adults; the depth is almost non-existent.

However, the images in this movie are shocking and impressive enough, which is the biggest reason why this movie has attracted so much attention. Although this movie did not have the huge impact that Titanic did, its skillful use of technology also shocked people a lot.

This kind of shock is brought to people by computer technology. 

Although computer technology had already been used in many movies before, those movies felt novel at most rather than shocking. 

This movie can be said to have made people truly aware of the importance of computer technology. From this point of view, it is of great significance.

Many people think that this movie should win the award. At least, it is much better than movies like Chicago. However, Oscar still refused to favor Lord of the Rings, which made people deeply resentful.

After all, the judges of the academy still have old ideas. For them, what they see when watching a movie is more about the connotation, shooting techniques, and character expressions. 

These aspects are not Peter Jackson's strengths. His movies are not successful based on depth or shooting methods, which makes Oscar not favor him.

But this also made the media resentful, and this resentment also reminded people of another question: Will Levi's film be favored after it is filmed?

Although the Lord of the Rings is a magical epic story, if we divide them roughly, these movies are all science fiction stories. Films of this genre have never been very popular.

Of course, Levi's film invested 100 million, certainly not for the Oscar evaluation, but for the box office. However, Levi has achieved good results in the Oscars in the past. 

After he completes filming this movie, will it be the same as Lord of the Rings, or will it be more popular than Lord of the Rings?

For a time, this time's Oscar results made people even more worried about Levi's film.

In previous years, people wouldn't be worried about Levi. Maybe they want to see him fail. People will also take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 

However, this year's boring Oscars also gave rise to some reactions: rather than letting these people win awards, it would be better to bring Levi back.

And this feeling of worry has further increased with the announcement of the movie schedule.

After the Oscars, Levi's film has been scheduled to be released on May 8th.

This release date, the arrangement is quite interesting. Because just one week after the movie was released, on May 15th, The Matrix 2 will be released.

The two movies were released only a week apart from each other. As a result, people couldn't help but compare them. It almost felt like the movies were trying to avoid competing with each other, but it was too obvious.

And in this struggle, the one who has the upper hand is obviously The Matrix - for no other reason than that this one is a sequel.

In the first part, The Matrix movie has already shown its full charm. Many science fiction fans regard it as the best work of science fiction movies. Whether it is from a science fiction perspective or a movie perspective, it can be said to be a miracle. Facing such a monster, it is very difficult to win.

Moreover, in addition to word-of-mouth, competition for the box office is also a big problem. Warner also attaches great importance to this movie. Just this year, they claimed to launch The Matrix 2 and The Matrix 3 in one go so that the follow-up to this movie could completely capture the market.

It is extremely rare for a movie to have two sequels released within a year. It can be said that this shows two things. First, Warner is really serious about making money. Second, they are really confident about this movie.

However, this is not good news for Levi. The Matrix is ​​also a science fiction film, and it is also recognized as a classic film among science fiction films. 

It is naturally not a good thing for a movie that he has been preparing for a long time to collide with the schedule of such a classic science fiction film. 

With the same schedule and the same genre, this is not only a box office battle but also a reputation battle.

The movie is about to be released, and the promotion of both films is also in progress.

As for The Matrix, the Wachowski brothers promised that the second part of the movie would be even cooler and more dazzling after it was filmed.

Moreover, in response to many complaints from fans that the heroine in the first part of the movie was not exciting enough, Warner has announced that Italian actress Monica Bellucci will be starring in the second part. 

Her appearance is expected to make the price of admission well worth it. It's clear that The Matrix 2 is striving to be even better than the first movie.

In contrast, Levi has released his second promotional video. This time, his promotional video has been carefully edited. 

In this promotional video, the special effects and characters in the movie are no longer separate; they are closely connected.

People on the stake, spaceships ready to go, huge membranes spread out along the entire planet, high-energy particle accelerators, and nanomaterials, all of these things also appeared in the promotional video, making the movie more attractive.

From March to May, it won't take long. Which of these two movies will be more outstanding? Now, people are waiting to see.


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