
Time passed by, and when May 8th arrived, the premiere of The Three-Body Problem movie was finally held.

As a movie fan, Jones is very lucky to live in Hollywood. Whenever a premiere is held, movie fans living in Hollywood have special opportunities to get up close and personal with their favorite movie stars.

This time is no exception. They also invited many fans to the premiere of The Three-Body Problem. As an audience who has been paying attention to Levi's movies from a very early stage, Jones also came here this time through some connections.

Jones was very happy that he came to attend the premiere - Levi and Denzel Washington were all present at the premiere. Although this was not the first time for Jones to see stars up close, he was still very excited.

This is a treatment that others rarely enjoy. Here, he met the leading actor. Moreover, right here, in front of reporters, Director Levi was also explaining the concept of his movie at close range, which made him feel this trip was not a waste.

"Some people say that my movies are commercial films, and some say they are literary films. I don't think it is necessary to make such a clear distinction. 

 Of course, I want the box office, and the more, the better. And, of course, it is best not to throw away reputation. 

 Making this movie is not just to make money, and it is not just to promote human nature. What I hope more is that some hidden truths in the story can be better shown to the public." 

At the premiere, Director Levi explained his idea for the movie, and his answer, he didn't know what the media thought, but Jones was definitely very satisfied. Director Levi can admit that he wants the box office. At the same time, the connotation of the movie is not ignored, which is enough.

Moreover, he believed that Levi must have done it because just after Levi finished speaking, Washington said, "This is the one that touched me the most among all the roles I have taken. Director Levi's character concept is quite interesting. 

 In the movie, I played a small character, but for a big event like saving the earth, I also can do my best - this is very different from other movies."

Washington's words gave Jones more confidence. Of course, he didn't believe that Washington would be just a minor character in a movie. How could an actor like this possibly play a minor character?

But who would he play? It also makes people think.

The only pity is he didn't meet Isabella Adjani - this actress is also his favorite, so it was a pity not to be able to meet her.

However, this is something that cannot be done: in addition to having a premiere in the United States, the film also has a premiere in Europe. As a European, Adjani doesn't particularly like to stay in Hollywood. This time, she attended the premiere in the UK. Among the leading actors, she didn't come here.

Obviously, Levi is very confident in the film, and his desire to release the movie simultaneously worldwide also proves his confidence.

With this thought, Jones went to the cinema. He has been looking forward to this movie for a long time.

"Hello, my name is Dick."

The person sitting next to him greeted Jones. Jones nodded, but suddenly he discovered that Dick was holding something strange in his hand.

Noticing Jones' gaze, Dick also raised what he was holding. "Ball Lightning lightning gun, isn't it cool?"

It turned out to be this thing... Jones nodded as if he suddenly understood.

That TV show, he has seen it too. It's just that a year has passed, and he can't remember it clearly. But with this reminder, he also remembered that this was the gun model used to shoot ball lightning in the TV series.

It is said that in that TV series, a model prop gun was indeed made. It can be disassembled into nine parts. Except that it cannot actually fire lightning, the other structures are basically reasonable. 

After the TV series was aired, many fans bought that thing for collection. He didn't expect that someone would bring it here.

This movie is a science fiction movie, and obviously, science fiction fans are indispensable here. Jones didn't expect that there would be such a person sitting next to him.

"I was invited to the premiere because I bought the complete set of Ball Lightning discs and got this opportunity. It is said that Ball Lightning is just a preliminary test of the movie, which is really cool. 

 Do you think there will be any new weapons or technologies in this movie? How will aliens use that proton? Thinking about it makes me feel cool."

Dick kept talking beside him, which reminded Jones of when he was watching The Lord of the Rings. Those guys dressed like dwarves and elves, these ardent science fiction fans really have no way of understanding them.

However, he didn't take the initiative to provoke Dick, but Dick took the initiative to pat him, "Hey, do you know who I met and talked to just now?"

"Denzel Washington?" As a movie fan, Jones immediately blurted out the first name that came to mind.

Could it be that this idiot has met a big star? Why doesn't he have that good luck?

"What were you doing when you saw him? I saw Michael Resnick!" Dick looked a bit showy. 

In the eyes of science fiction fans, Michael Resnick is a legend in science fiction novels. He has won the Hugo Award many times, the Nebula Award, and even the Skylark Award, which represents lifetime achievement in science fiction. 

Dick can't even imagine being able to watch a movie in a cinema with such a person.

Looking at Dick's expression, Jones was slightly depressed. Unexpectedly, in his heart, such a science fiction writer was more famous than Washington.

In this theater, there are world-class stars, Hollywood celebrities, critical figures, and all kinds of celebrities. Unexpectedly, the most attractive person for science fiction fans in this movie is actually a science fiction writer.

And this name also made Jones feel like a little showing off.

"What Michael Resnick? I just met David Brin." Jones said with a somewhat showy tone.

"David Brin? Where? Where?"

If Michael Resnick is a very famous writer, then David Brin is of even greater significance to science fiction fans. 

This renowned physicist is a consultant to NASA, has a doctorate in space science, and is the author of the Ascension series of novels. 

He is also a writer who is very good at describing the unique culture of the universe and alien creatures. It is even more incredible to see him here.

"It's so cool to be able to sit with David Brin and watch the same movie - and the movie must be good. Otherwise, David Brin wouldn't be here..."

Dick was a little excited, which was an eye-opener for Jones.

Unlike Dick, he was not surprised by the appearance of David Brin and others: he had been paying attention to the promotion of the movie. 

Unlike The Matrix, which was promoting new stars, for this movie promotion, there are many reviews written by well-known science fiction writers.

Jones is a frequent moviegoer, and he knows that these reviews are a promotional tool for the film company. Claiming that well-known physicists love his movie can convince many viewers of the physics aspects of the movie. 

He has seen this method many times. This time, Levi only found some writers. He thought it was nothing, but looking at Dick, it was evident that he didn't think so.

Seeing his excited expression, Jones also felt a little embarrassed, "Didn't you hear? This movie has an original novel, but the original novel is in Chinese. For this movie, the novel's author rewrote it into an American version in English. 

 Before the movie was released, the translation of the novel had been sent to science fiction writers such as David Brin, who were very interested in this story. It's been highly praised."

"Is there a novel version of the movie? Where can I buy it?" After hearing this, Dick spoke directly.

"Why are you so anxious? The novel will not be released until after the movie is screened."

Selling peripheral products for movies after the movie is released has always been smart. It's hard to tell the pros and cons of the film if the novel is spread everywhere before the movie is released. Although this can excite some movie fans, it can also easily make the story lose suspense.

In the first part of The Three-Body Problem, suspense is very important. Therefore, Levi chose to put the novel version of the story on the market after the movie release, except for some science fiction writers who needed to be attracted to support it.

These are all typical marketing methods, but looking at Dick's appearance, Jones realized that he seemed to have told him something extraordinary.

"I will definitely buy it then... not only the American version but also the Chinese version. How to buy the Chinese version? Can it be sold?" Dick muttered.

Jones turned around in surprise, "Do you know Chinese?"

"Why should I know Chinese?"

"Then why do you want to buy the Chinese version?"

"Of course, it's for collection." Dick's tone seemed to be matter-of-fact.

'I really don't understand you sci-fi fans...' Taking a look at the model gun held in Dick's hand, Jones shrugged and ignored him. The enthusiasm of these science fiction fans is really confusing.

However, having these fanatical fans is always a good thing for the movie, right? With so many people supporting this movie, Levi couldn't possibly screw it up, right?

There was a lot of noise, and the theater was already dark. The people who were noisy just now all became quiet. They looked at the company logo on the screen and stopped talking.

After the company logo passed, pictures began to appear on the movie screen.

The movie finally started.


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