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Episode 2: The Island of Missing Agents

The Spy Teens were all hanging out at their tree house when they got a call from Sally. Sally told them that she had an assignment for them. Sally said, "Recently, other organizations and I have sent our spies to an uncharted island we've found, but sadly, none have returned from their mission." Judy said, "And you want us to go to that island and find the missing spies." Sally said, "Correct. You'll be undercover as castaways." Kevin said, "Why can't we just go as spies?" Sally said, "That would blow your cover." Sally said, "Now for your gadgets." Sally pushed a button in her office, and it opened secret compartments in The Spy Teens' tree house with gadgets in them. Sally said, "Jetpack and Parachute Backpacks, Ice Queen Perfume, Expandable Cable Bungee Belts, Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses, Instant Cement Sticky Spray, and Cat Bags." Stella said, "Cat Bags?" Sally took one, activated it, and put it on her desk. Then, the bag turned into a robot cat. Stella said, "Cool." Then Sally deactivated it, and The Spy Teens grabbed their gadgets. Then they put them in their backpacks and flew to the island with their Jetpack Backpacks.

They pulled their chords and parachuted onto the island when they found the island. Then they used their Disguise Belts to change their Spy Uniforms to torn-up clothes so they looked like castaways. Judy said, "Ok, spies, we have to find those missing agents." Kevin said, "First, we have to look like real castaways." Stella said, "Don't our clothing already fit the bill?" Kevin said, "Yes, but we have to set up camp. We'll need driftwood, vines, rocks, and palm leaves." Judy said, "I'll get the driftwood." Kevin said, "I'll get the vines." Stella said, "I'll get the palm leaves." Judy said, "And we'll all collect the rocks afterward." Kevin said, "Use your Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses to investigate the island too." Judy and Stella both said, "Right."

The Spy Teens all put on and activated their Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses, looked for the stuff they needed, and investigated the island while they did. Judy was walking by the stream, hoping to find some driftwood washed up on shore. Judy looked all around but didn't see any driftwood or clues. Then she turned around, removed her glasses, and saw a mountain of driftwood piled up on the beach. Judy said, "Where'd this come from." Judy put on and activated her Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses and looked for anyone who could have left it but didn't see anybody. Judy said, "Funny, very funny. Oh well." Judy removed her glasses, gathered the wood, and returned it to their campsite.

After Judy got the driftwood, Kevin searched the woods for vines. When he found them, he tugged one to see how strong it was. Kevin said, "This seems like a strong one; it should be perfect." Kevin tried to pull the vine off but couldn't because it was too strong. Then Kevin touched the vine, and it snapped off the tree. Kevin said, "Funny, very funny." Kevin used his Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses to scan his perimeter but didn't see anyone. Kevin said, "Oh well." Kevin took off his glasses and brought the vines back to their campsite.

After Kevin got the vines, Stella walked across the beach, looking for palm trees. When she found one, she tried to jump up and get them, but they were too high up. Stella said, "Maybe I should try my gadgets." Stella started hearing rustling from the bushes, and she turned around. Then she activated her Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses but didn't see anyone. Then she returned to her tree and saw a whole pile of leaves behind her. Stella said, "Funny, very funny." Stella gathered up the leaves and took them back to their campsite.

After they got everything, they set it down and decided to look for rocks. Judy tapped Kevin's shoulder, and they turned around and saw rocks piled up on the ground for them. Stella said, "Judy, did you get the rocks?" Judy said, "No, I got the driftwood. Kevin, did you get the rocks?" Kevin said, "No, I got the vines. Stella, did you get the rocks?" Stella said, "No, I got the palm leaves." Judy said, "Then who got the rocks?" Kevin said, "I don't know, but to tell you the truth, I didn't exactly get my vine; it broke off by itself, and I grabbed it." Judy said, "That's weird; I didn't find the driftwood on shore; it got piled up just for me." Stella said, "Weirder, I couldn't reach the palm leaves, but when I turned around for a split second, they got piled up on the ground, just for me." Judy said, "Funny, very funny." Kevin said, "We can think about this later. Right now, I'm thirsty." Stella said, "Maybe there's some coconuts on this island. And coconuts have milk in them."

The Spy Teens walked into the forest and started to look for coconut trees. When they found one, Kevin stood on Stella's shoulders and tried to reach them but couldn't. Kevin said, "Judy, get up on me." Judy climbed up Stella and Kevin and stood on Kevin's shoulders. Judy could almost reach the coconuts, but one rolled up to Stella. Stella said, "Hey, a coconut." Stella bent down and grabbed the coconut, and their tower collapsed. Then, two more coconuts rolled up to them for Judy and Kevin. Kevin said, "Funny, very funny."

After they got their coconuts, they sat down against trees and drank their milk. When they finished, they dropped their coconuts and looked for food. Then they all split up, went in different directions, and started looking for food and water. Judy said, "I'll look near the stream for some fish. Kevin, you look in the forest for fruit. Stella, you search for fresh drinking water."

Judy went to their hut and found some leftover driftwood and a paperclip. Judy said, "I can use this stick for a pole and this paper clip for a hook. All I need is some string to go fishing." After she asked for one, a whole ball of string rolled up to her. Judy picked the yarn up but didn't see anyone around. Judy said, "Funny, very funny." Kevin was walking through the woods when he found a bunch of fruit trees. Kevin said, "How do I get them down? Wait, my Bungee Belt." Kevin turned around and saw a white sack of fruit right behind him. Kevin grabbed the bag, looked inside, and saw it was full of fruit for him. Kevin said, "Funny, very funny. Better get this back to the campsite." Stella searched everywhere until she found a river filled with fresh drinking water. Stella said, "Too bad I don't have any buckets." Stella turned around and saw tons of buckets waiting for her. Stella said, "Where'd these come from? Funny, very funny." Stella took the buckets, filled them with water, and returned them to their campsite.

When Kevin and Stella returned, they saw Judy catch fish for them. Kevin said, "Hi, Judy. See, you caught some fish." Judy said, "Thanks. I see you got our fruit and water." Stella said, "OK, we have torn clothes, a castaway hut, food, and water. Maybe we should investigate now." Judy said, "Good idea." Kevin said, "I'll stay here and cook up dinner. You two can go search the island." Stella said, "Fine."

The girls used their Disguise Belts to change into Spy Uniforms, grabbed their backpacks, and checked out the island. The girls climbed a big hill for a higher view of the island. When they reached the top, they looked at the sight and saw the forest was more extensive than they thought. Judy said, "The missing agents could be anywhere here." Stella said, "Well, we better start looking."

Judy and Stella slid down the other side and landed in the woods. Stella said, "I have an idea." Stella used her Disguise Belt and changed her outfit into castaway clothes. Judy said, "How is being a castaway going to help?" Stella said, "Just climb up the tree and spy on whatever's happening." Judy said, "This looks like a job for The Expandable Cable Bungee Belt. Judy put her belt on, grabbed the buckle, and shot it up in the treetops. Then it wrapped around a tree branch, and she reeled in the line, bringing her into the tree. Judy sat in the tree while Stella pretended to look for something. Stella found a tree with coconuts and tried reaching for them. Stella said, 'Wow, I wish I could reach them; I'm thirsty." Judy put her Heat-Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses on, activated them, and waited for something suspicious to happen. Then, a coconut rolled up to Stella, and Judy tried to see where it came from. Judy zoomed in and saw footprints leaving the scene. Judy contacted Stella on her watch, and she answered it. Judy said, "Stella, I got a footprint trail; if we follow it, it should lead us to whoever's been helping us."

Judy jumped down from the tree she was in, and Stella returned to her Spy Uniform. Then, the girls walked through the forest and found a stream filled with fresh drinking water. While there, they hopped on the hoping stones to get from one side to the other. When they got to the other side, they climbed a tree and looked at the view. While they were looking, a snake came down from the trees, and the girls saw it. Stella said, "What do we do?" Judy said, "Launching Purse Decoy." Judy took her Cat Bag and threw it. Then, it turned into a cat, and it distracted the snake. Then they jumped to the next tree, and Judy's Cat Bag jumped back at her and turned back into a bag.

After they escaped, they jumped down from the tree and landed on their feet. Then they saw the beach just a short distance from where they were, so they walked there and found another castaway hut. Judy said, "This isn't our hut." Stella said, "Let's look inside." Stella opened the door, but they didn't see anyone inside. Judy said, "No one's here." The girls walked past the hut and found footprints leading to their campsite. Then, they followed the footprints across the beach and found a group of people. Judy and Stella both said at the Stellae time, "Hello." All three of the people said, "Hello." Judy said, "Who are you?" Stella said, "I think they're the missing spy agents." Matt said, "Yep. I'm Matt. And these are my friends, Pam and Alice. We each came from a different organization." Judy said, "But you've been helping us all this time." Pam said, "Yep. We did everything to help."

When they finished talking, San and Judy decided to return to camp. Stella grabbed a tree branch and pulled it down. After she pulled it, a trap door opened underneath their feet, and all five of them slid down a chute into an undersea lab. Then the lights turned on, and all five saw spies asleep in water-filled containers. Stella walked up to one and tapped on the glass, but the agent inside couldn't hear her. Stella said, "These agents must have all been captured." Then, their feet got shackled so that they couldn't move. Then, a girl wearing battle armor walked into the room. The woman said, "Hi, I'm Valerie Anti-Spy. The world's greatest spy hunter ever." Judy said, "So you're behind this." Valerie said, "Yes."

Stella secretly activated her Multi-Task Watch and contacted Kevin on it so he could listen in. Valerie said, "I once wanted to be a top spy, but the agency I applied for rejected me. So, I decided to reverse the old saying, 'If you can't beat them, join them.' But I decided to beat them since I couldn't join them." Judy said, "Or you could just accept that you're not good at spying." Valerie said, "Why be a spy when I can be a spy hunter? And with you five by my side, I'll have taken out every spy in the world." Valerie threw Matt, Pam, Alice, Judy, and Stella in containers, pushed the button, and they started to fill with water. Then Judy took out her Ice Queen Perfume, sprayed it, and broke out of her container. Then she did the Stellae for Stella. Stella said, "Sorry, guys, we'll be back for you." Valerie said, "Not so fast, spies."

Valerie got ready to fight, and so did Judy and Stella. Then Kevin found the entrance, jumped down the hole, activated his Disguise Belt, changed into his Spy Uniform, and joined the fight. Valerie said, "Three against one, not bad. Bring it on." Stella ran up to Valerie and tried kicking and punching her, but she couldn't even touch her. Then Valerie hit Stella, pushed a button on her armor, and shot a rocket at her. Judy and Kevin both said, "Stella!" Stella got up but fell to the ground and closed her eyes. Kevin jumped and tried to kick Valerie, but she activated her Wrist Blasters and shot Kevin out of the sky. Kevin fell to the ground, and Valerie threw a net and caught him in it. Then Valerie pushed a button on her glove, which electrified the netting and shocked Kevin. Kevin tried to get up but fell to the ground and closed his eyes like Stella. Judy said, "Kevin." Valerie said, "Two down, one to go. Time to finish this, Judy." Judy said, "Indeed, Valerie." Valerie tried to blast Judy with her shoulder blasts, but she leaned to the left and missed her. Valerie got mad and tried to punch and kick Judy, but she couldn't even touch her. Then Judy took her Ice Queen Perfume and sprayed the floor with it, and Valerie slipped and slid to the side of the wall. Judy said, "Time for The Instant Cement Sticky Spray."

Judy sprayed out her Instant Cement Sticky Spray, which stuck Valerie to the wall. Judy said, "That should hold her." While Valerie was attached to the wall, Judy took her Ice Queen Perfume, sprayed it against all the containers all The Spy Teens were in, and set them all free. When Kevin and Judy woke up, they saw Judy tie up Valerie and release all the agents. Then all The Spy Teens thanked them for saving and setting them free. Then they took Valerie to jail, confiscated her equipment, and locked her in her cell. Judy said, "I have to admit, being shipwrecked was pretty fun." Kevin said, "I know, looking for food and water and building our own home." Stella said, "I must admit, it was fun for me too." Then, The Spy Teens returned to their tree house and waited for their next mission.

The End