Episode 3: The Homework Thief

Judy, Kevin, and Stella were skateboarding at the skate park when Judy's watch beeped. Judy answered it and said, "Hello." Sally said, "Spies, we have an urgent mission for you. Kids' and teenagers' homework has been disappearing throughout Las Angeles. So, your mission is to discover what's happening to kids' and teenagers' homework. Because, first, the kids and teenagers do their homework, but when they turn it in, they can't because they find their homework disappeared without any explanation." Sally pushed a button on her control panel and sent three backpacks full of gadgets parachuting down to them. Sally said, "These gadgets will assist you. Inside, you'll find P.A.L. Pens." Judy pulled hers out and asked, "Pal Pen?" Sally said, "P-A-L Pen. Pole and Laser Pen." Judy pushed the button, and it shot a laser. Then she pressed the other button, which changed it into a long rod. Judy said, "Wow." Judy then pushed the button again, turned it back into a pen, and put it back in her backpack. Stella found a necklace and said, "What a beautiful necklace." Sally said, "That's the Invisible Processor Necklace, Stella. With one push of the button, it turns the user invisible. You'll also find X-Ray Sunglasses, The Code Cracking Comb, Mini Smoke Bombs, Earring Listening Devices, Bungee Belts, Super Bubble Gum, and The Tracking Powder Makeup Set, and your backpacks are also jetpacks. And you'll be taking this jet to Las Angeles." Sally pushed a button on her control panel and sent Judy, Kevin, and Stella a jet.

Judy, Kevin, and Stella then flew to Las Angeles in their jet, and when they got there, they landed right next to Las Angeles High. Once they got to the high school, they used their disguise belts to disguise themselves as schoolteachers. They peered into the detention room and saw many kids there. Judy said, "Looks like things here are getting worse. If we look in the classrooms, we might find some clues." Kevin said, "The science room is empty; let's check it out." Judy, Kevin, and Stella walked into the science lab and looked around. Judy wore her X-ray sunglasses to look at things closer but didn't see anything. Judy lifted her sunglasses and said, "There's nothing here." Stella said, "You're right. This lab is an ordinary science room." Kevin said, "Or is it? Check this out." Kevin found a flyer for Hound Pictures on the teacher's desk, rolled it up, and put it in his backpack since they heard the class coming. Kevin whispered, "I'll show it to you outside." Judy, Kevin, and Stella jumped out the window before the students and their teacher arrived.

Once they got out, the class went in, and Kevin showed Judy and Stella what he had found. Kevin said, "It's a flyer for Hound Pictures. A movie-making industry." Judy said, "Why would a science teacher have that?" Kevin said, "I don't know, but I say we listen in." They all hid under the window they jumped out of, activated their earring listening devices, and listened in on what was happening in the classroom. Ron, the science teacher, said, "OK, class. Time to turn in yesterday's homework. Mandy, how about you first?" Mandy said, "Gladly." Mandy reached into her backpack but needed help finding her homework. Mandy said, "My homework. It's gone. But I finished it and put it in here last night." Ron said, "Well since you don't have your homework, I guess you'll just have to do twice as much to make it up. And face detention for a week just like the other students who say their homework has disappeared." Stella had her suspicion about Ron and said, "Hmm." Stella then threw a rock in the classroom to distract the class. While their backs got turned, Stella quickly sprayed Ron with the tracking powder from her makeup set. Stella said, "Come on." Stella left, and Judy and Kevin followed. Stella said, "Why are we leaving? We need to find more clues." Stella said, "Relax, we're not leaving. I hope me spraying Ron with my tracking powder worked." Stella opened her watch, and the screen showed Ron was in the detention room. Judy said, "Way to go, Stella." Stella said, "Looks like he won't be doing anything out of the ordinary until 3:00. So, we'll just have to wait until then."

After school, Judy, Kevin, and Stella used their disguise belts to change into their spy uniforms. Then they followed Ron using the tracking powder Stella sprayed him with earlier. When the locator stopped, they looked up at the building Ron was in and saw it was Hound Pictures. They then used their invisible processor necklaces to turn themselves invisible so they could walk in without being seen. They followed Ron to the third floor and found him in the president's office. They peered inside and saw Ron from the school with Emily Saleem, the studio president. They then activated their earring-listening devices and listened to what was happening inside Emily's office. Emily said, "Did you bring it?" Ron showed Emily that he had brought Mandy's homework and said, "Yeah, I brought it." Emily said, "Excellent. Now let's judge it." Emily put Mandy's assignment in the grading system, and the system gave it an A+. Emily said, "100%. An A+. This homework will make a great science fiction movie." Emily then put Mandy's homework in an envelope and mailed it to the movie directors. Judy whispered, "That's what's happening. We got to call Sally now." Kevin closed the door, and they deactivated their invisible processor necklaces. Then Kevin called Sally on his watch. Sally said, "Hello, Kevin. How's the mission?" Kevin said, "Wonderful. We figured out what was happening to the kids' homework. Their teachers steal it, and they turn the good homework into good movies." Sally said, "But what about the not-so-smart kids? They had their homework stolen, and they don't get as good grades." Stella said, "Good question. The directors couldn't have accepted their homework. They must have done something else with it, and we'll find out what."

Kevin hung up his watch phone, and then they looked around Hound Pictures for clues. They tried going into the rooms, but all the doors got locked. Since the doors got locked, Stella put on the X-ray sunglasses so she could see right through the walls. Stella then spotted something particular behind one of the doors. Stella said, "Guys, in here." Stella tried opening the door, but it wouldn't open, so she used The Code Cracking Comb. She put the comb in the lock and pushed the button on the handle, and the comb found the code to unlock the door. Then Stella opened the door, and they walked in. Once they got in, they saw a bunch of dogs in cages. They heard somebody coming, so they shot their bungee belts at the ceiling and hid there. Once they got up there, they saw Ron walking in with a security guard. Ron said, "Here's a student's history homework; they scored a C+, a student's math homework; they got an A+, and a student's book report, they got a D-. All of it is useless to us but not to you. Now feed." Ron released all the dogs from their pens. Then they ran up to the homework Ron and the security guard had brought and ate it. Ron said, "Looks like those students will be in detention for a long time. Since their grades keep going to the dogs." Kevin whispered, "So that's what's happening to all the students' homework." Judy said, "And I bet that's why they call this place 'Hound Pictures.'" The security guard heard Judy, looked up and saw The Spy Teens. Judy said, "Oops." The security guard said, "We have intruders." The Spy Teens then screamed, released their bungee belts, and kicked Ron and the security guard down. Then they ran out of the room and made a run for it. Ron then hit the intruder alert button and alerted the building. The security guards went looking for The Spy Teens and searched the entire building for them. The Spy Teens ran for the door, but the security guards blocked it and then surrounded them while holding guns up to them. The Spy Teens gasped, and the security guards took them to their villain.

The security guards took The Spy Teens to the studio's president's office and threw them to the ground. Emily said, "Hello, spies." Judy said, "Spies? We're not spies. We just snuck in to check out the studio. We love your movies." Emily said, "Nice try, but fans don't dress like that." The Spy Teens looked at their outfits and saw they were still in their spy uniforms. Stella said, "Oops." Emily said, "Now, it's time for your demise. Take them to the hounds." The security guards took Judy, Kevin, and Stella to the room where they kept their dogs and locked them in a cage. Judy said, "Before you finish us off, would you mind telling us why you're doing this?" Emily said, "Gladly. In case you haven't noticed, the elder minds don't have many ideas these days, but the younger minds do. Kids even like to show off their smarts in school. So, I decided to take advantage. I sent in my workers as teachers at Las Angeles High. They give the students homework, and when they first turn in their assignments, the teachers can tell who has the best grades. Then I told them to steal their homework by breaking into their houses at night and pretending they had no idea what had happened so the students would get detention when it was time to turn in the assignments. Then, the teachers I sent out would bring me the homework for grading. The good ones get turned into movies that I take credit for writing, and those with horrible grades get eaten by our dogs, so we don't have to feed them with actual dog food. And now that you know the truth, it's time for me to say goodbye." Emily pushed a button, released their hounds, and they tried to eat Judy, Kevin, and Stella.

After Emily left them to their doom, she continued her plan. After she left, Judy realized something. Judy said, "Our gadgets. We still have our gadgets." Judy reached into her backpack and brought out her P.A.L. Pen. Kevin said, "What good is that going to do?" Judy also gave Kevin the Super Bubble Gum and said, "Start chewing." Kevin put a stick of Super Bubble Gum in his mouth and chewed it.

Meanwhile, Judy pushed the button on her P.A.L. Pen and turned it into a pole. Judy said, "Hey, doggies." Judy got the dogs' attention and said, "Fetch." Judy tossed her P.A.L. Pen, and the dogs chased after it. Meanwhile, Kevin blew a bubble with The Super Bubble Gum, destroying the cage. Then they landed on the ground, and the dogs barked and went after them. So, to lose them, Stella threw her mini smoke bombs at the floor and made a giant smoke screen so the dogs wouldn't see them escape.

The Spy Teens then ran for Emily's office. Judy said, "Now to kick some movie director's butt." Once they made it to Emily's office, Kevin used the laser setting on his P.A.L. Pen to break open the door. Then he kicked the door down, and Emily saw him. Emily said, "How'd you get free?" Kevin said, "Our secret." Emily said, "You may have escaped, but let's see you catch me." Emily pushed a button on her desk, and her chair fell through a trap door. Judy, Kevin, and Stella activated their Jetpack Backpacks and flew after Emily while she rode her chair down to the basement. Emily looked behind her and saw The Spy Teens following her with their Jetpacks. Once they caught up with her, they reached the cellar. Then Emily grabbed a gun off the desk and tried shooting The Spy Teens. Stella then brought out her P.A.L. Pen, pushed the button, and turned it into a pole. Then Stella knocked Emily's gun out of her hands and hit her away with her rod. Once she hit the floor, Judy, Kevin, and Stella stood ahead of Emily and handcuffed her. After they caught Emily, SOOTS showed up, took Emily to SOOTS headquarters, and locked her in jail. Sally said, "Job well done, spies." Judy said, "No problem, Sally." After their mission, Judy, Kevin, and Stella went back home.

The End