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Episode 6: Positions Compromised. Part 1

The spies were at their treehouse when Judy's watch beeped. She answered it and saw it was Sally. Sally said, "Judy, Kevin, Stella. You guys are in danger, and so is the organization." The Spy Teens saw ninjas breaking into SOOTS headquarters and fighting all the agents there. Sally said, "We'll handle these guys. You three must get to the safe house and figure out what caused this." Sally kicked a ninja away and pushed a button on her control panel, giving The Spy Teens their gadgets. Sally said, "Here are your gadgets. Sorry, I have no time to brief you, but I will tell you there's a boat waiting for you at the pier not far from your treehouse. Sally then took out another ninja. Sally said, "Guys, hurry." Sally then hung up her phone, and so did Judy. Judy said, "Let's get to the pier."

Judy, Kevin, and Stella grabbed their backpacks and went down to the pier, where they spotted their boat. They got in and drove it across the lake to the safe house. While riding their boat, they heard other motors, so they looked behind them and saw other people chasing them. Judy shouted, "Who are they?" Kevin yelled, "I don't know. But they're catching up." Stella drove their boat faster. They turned their boat to the right and made two boats crash into each other. The other ships kept chasing The Spy Teens, but Stella pulled a lever and turned their boat into a submarine. The Spy Teens then got down, the top of their ship shut, and they dived under the water. Once they did, they lost the bad guys. They then rode their submarine to the safe house.

Once they found the safe house, they locked their sub and walked up the stairs to it. The Spy Teens looked at the safe house and thought it looked like an old shack. They walked in, and the lights turned on. While there, The Spy Teens wore their black spy suits, utility belts and backpacks, and spy shades. Once geared, The Spy Teens looked around the safe house and saw it had all the things they needed. It had a kitchen for food and water, comfort and bedding, and chairs for them to sit in. Judy pushed a button on the table, and it moved the floor away and showed them an emergency exit. Judy said, "Everyone ready to figure this out?" Kevin and Stella gave Judy the thumbs up and got to work.

Each of them sat in one of the chairs in front of a computer screen and started to do some spy work. Kevin played back the attack on their headquarters, but they saw nothing unusual. Judy said, "See if you can playback what happened before the attack." Kevin replayed the video and played it back an hour. The building was still intact, and they saw a ninja army approaching outside the building. Stella noticed something on the video and said, "What's that on their uniforms?" Kevin typed on his keyboard and zoomed in on one of the ninjas. Kevin said, "It's a sparrow." Stella said, "That might be a clue. Maybe that's the logo of whoever they work for. Check this out." Stella typed on her keypad and replayed the video of them fighting the bad guys on the lake. Stella paused the video and zoomed in on the logo on one of the boats. Stella said, "Check it out." Kevin said, "It's the same sparrow insignia as the one on the ninja uniforms." Judy said, "You two keep investigating the attack. I'll look into the sparrow logo."

While working, there was a knock on the door. Judy opened the window on the door and saw it was a lady with red hair wearing a black spy suit like them. The lady said, "Hi. My name is Geraldine Michaels." Judy got worried, and Kevin and Stella hid. Geraldine said, "Oh, I don't blame you if you don't trust me. I good spy doesn't trust anyone." Geraldine opened the door and walked in with a few men. Geraldine said, "Oh, you see, I have a key. I work for SOOTS, too." Judy pointed behind Geraldine and wondered about the men she was with. Geraldine said, "Oh, they work for SOOOTS too." Stella peered out of her hiding place while Judy walked to Geraldine and spotted the sparrow logo on the men's uniforms. Kevin then partially opened the window and looked out of it. Once he did, he saw the ninjas that attacked their HQ, sinking their sub. Kevin said, "Oh no."

Judy shook hands with Geraldine and agreed to trust her. Kevin and Stella held beeping gizmos they had found in the safe house up to them. Kevin said, "Judy. They're working for Mr. Sparrow." Judy joined Kevin and Stella and grabbed a beeping widget like the ones they held. Stella said, "Don't move." Geraldine and her men saw what The Spy Teens were holding up to them and laughed. Geraldine said, "You don't even know what those things are." The Spy Teens looked at the widgets they held like Geraldine was right. Then Stella put hers over her shoulder, grabbed it with both hands and said, "I know they're heavy."

Geraldine and her men started to get worried, and then Stella threw hers, and it exploded. Geraldine said, "No, don't." Judy and Kevin threw theirs, and they exploded, too. While the explosions were going off, The Spy Teens ran all over the safe house and hid. Geraldine said, "Stop them." When the explosions ended, Geraldine and her men saw The Spy Teens were gone. Geraldine activated her spy watch and said, "Send in the ninjas." Judy used her spy watch to call Kevin and Stella. Judy said, "Check your gear in your belts and backpacks. Maybe something can help you."

The ninjas broke into the safe house, and Judy activated the emergency exit. Judy then started her jetpack backpack and flew down it. Geraldine said, "Bring her back." The henchmen activated their jetpacks and chased after Judy while the ninjas took care of Kevin and Stella. The ninjas found Kevin and tried taking him out with their swords. Then Stella brought out an emotion dice from her backpack and thought it would be handy. Stella said, "Someone's sleeping on the job." Stella selected sleepy on the dice and threw it at the ninjas. Once she did, it activated and put the ninjas to sleep. Kevin said, "Nice."

While Kevin and Stella were dealing with Geraldine and the ninjas, Judy was chased by Geraldine's henchmen. Judy stopped and saw henchmen from every direction, so she figured she had no choice. Judy said, "Going up." Judy flew upward, and three of the henchmen bonked their heads together. Judy then flew down one of the tunnels and out through a tree. Once she got out, she saw five more henchmen on jetpacks waiting for her. Judy said, "Uh oh." Judy flew away, and the henchmen chased after her. One tried taking Judy out, and they started to fight. Judy said, "Get away from me." Judy saw a billboard coming up and said, "See you!" The henchmen she was fighting got hit on the billboard while Judy stood on it. Then Judy looked ahead and saw the other henchmen coming her way. They all hit the billboard and knocked it down while Judy returned to the safe house.

Once she arrived, Judy saw Kevin fighting Geraldine since Stella took out the ninjas. Kevin then kicked Geraldine into a corner and sprayed her with his Cement Sticky String, which stuck her to the wall. Kevin said, "That should hold her for a while." Judy said, "Come on, guys. Let's blast out of here." The Spy Teens flew out the safe house door on their jetpacks and tried to get somewhere safer. The Spy Teens sat on a billboard and started to analyze their clues. Kevin typed in the sparrow insignia on his watch, and it told him what it was. Kevin said, "According to my watch, this symbol represents Mark Sparrow's work. He puts it on all his creations. Stella said, "Who is Mark Sparrow anyway? Kevin said, "Let's see if Sally knows." Kevin used his watch to call Sally, but she didn't answer. Kevin said, "It's no use. They must have disconnected the line." Stella said, "Looks like we'll have to go to the one place that will be our only source of research."

The Spy Teens lost their spy suits but kept their spy shades and utility belts on to make them look cool. They then got on the bus and took it to the library. When the bus left, a minivan drove by. Then Geraldine looked out the window but didn't see The Spy Teens, so she went somewhere else, hoping to find them. While searching, Geraldine called Mark on his video phone and told him The Spy Teens got away. Mark said, "What do you mean they escaped?" Geraldine said, "These three teenagers are better at being spies than you think. They're also getting warm to figuring out who's behind this and how they did it." Mark said, "Come back to headquarters. We'll wait for them to come to us. After all, we have the bait." Mark pushed a button on a remote that turned on the lights on the other side of the room and showed Geraldine that they had Sally and all the other agents.

Meanwhile, The Spy Teens were doing research at the library. They used the library's computer to research Mark Sparrow. Once they did, they found a picture and a background check on him. Stella pointed at the picture and said, "Hey, I know that guy." Judy said, "Yes, isn't he one of the SOOTS agents?" Kevin said, "Used to be. He just got fired." Kevin typed on the keyboard, and they read his background check. Stella said, "He was working on robots for the organization, but they were too smart. They had human intelligence instead of robotic programming. He even tried to make robotic doubles of the agents to help them, but the robots almost put them out of work." Judy said, "So Sally had to fire him. So he's probably behind this. It was an inside job; he used his ninjas to attack the building and sent Geraldine to get us." Kevin said, "We have to get to SOOTS headquarters."

The Spy Teens hurried to SOOTS headquarters, and when they got there, Mark spotted them approaching the building. Mark said, "They're here. Just as I planned." Geraldine said, "Yes, but they're too good. Even if they fall for your trap, they may have a gadget to escape like last time." Mark said, "True. But that's because I sent the wrong people. The ninjas got the other agents because it was an even match. You, the ninjas, and your henchmen failed because it wasn't. So..." Three robots that looked like teenagers that Mark had built walked up to Mark and Geraldine and stood still. Mark said, "We need to level the playing field." Geraldine said, "That is brilliant, boss." 

The Spy Teens entered the building, and Stella set the robot bug from her pack on the ground. Stella said, "Henry, ensure the coast is clear for us." Henry crawled forward, and The Spy Teens kept an eye on him with the mini camera they attached. They saw the coast was clear so far, so they followed Henry forward and stopped because they saw ninjas coming their way. The Spy Teens then shot the grapplers on their belts to the ceiling, reeled the lines in, and hid up there while Henry hid against a wall. The ninjas walked by Henry and then by The Spy Teens. Judy whispered, "These mini grapplers do come in handy."

The Spy Teens lowered themselves, and Henry went further along the hall. The Spy Teens followed Henry to Sally's office. Once they got there, Mark sent his three robotic teenagers, Alexandria, Johnny, and Kim, to them. Before the robots came, The Spy Teens spotted the device in charge of the entire building, but a security system protected it. Stella said, "Shut that down, and we shut Mark's plans down." Stella deactivated Henry and put him in her utility belt. She then used her Robo-Glove to smash through the security system and shut the device down, but they heard footsteps before she could. They turned around fast and saw the three robot teenagers Mark sent walking up to them. Kevin said, "Oh, thank goodness. More agents means more help." Johnny scowled at Kevin, grabbed him, and lifted him. Then he threw Kevin back toward the girls and got hit against the wall. The girls looked at the three teenagers they saw and saw their eyes glowing red. Judy said, "Oh, no. These aren't spies. They're robots sent by Mark."

To Be Continued