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Episode 5: Operation: Saving Judy

Judy was on a solo mission chasing down Dr. Evalena, the villain on her mission, across The Golden Gate Bridge on his hoverboard against her jetpack. Dr. Evalena looked back and saw Judy still chasing him. Dr. Evalena said, "Here she comes." Dr. Evalena then flew up while Judy flew straight forward. Dr. Evalena thought he could lose Judy, but Judy used her Tornado Blast Hairdryer to melt Dr. Evalena's engine and make him crash. Once he did, Judy landed and stood in front of Dr. Evalena. Judy said, "Did you honestly think you could get away from me?" Dr. Evalena said, "Of course not. This is what we in the villain community call a trap'." Dr. Evalena pushed a button on his glove, and a laser on his hoverboard was activated. The voice on his hoverboard said, "Mind Eraser." Dr. Evalena's mind eraser shot at Judy, and once she got hit, Judy got dizzy and forgot everything, even how to swim. Dr. Evalena then kicked Judy into the ocean, and Judy passed out since her memory became blank.

An hour later, Judy woke up on a desert island. Judy said, "Where am I?" Judy then caught her reflection in the ocean and said, "Who am I?" Judy lost her spy watch in the sea, so when Sally tried contacting her, she didn't respond. Since Judy wasn't responding, Sally called Kevin on his watch. When Kevin saw it beeping, he grabbed Stella, and they left the movie theater they were in. Kevin then answered the call on his spy watch and saw it was Sally. Kevin said, "Oh, hi Sally. How's Judy on her mission?" Sally said, "That's why I called you. I've tried contacting Judy to see if she's captured the villain on her mission, but she's not responding. I need you two to figure out where she is and bring her back to HQ."

Stella said, "We're on it." Sally said, "Not yet; there's still the gadgets. Today, we have the devices I gave Judy on her mission, like Jetpack Backpacks, The Tornado Blast Hairdryer, Earring Listening Devices, Net Throwing Mascara, and Heat Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses. And here's Chameleon Suits, which allow you to blend into your surroundings like real chameleons. Mermaid Mints: eat one of these, and you can breathe underwater without scuba gear as real mermaids can. And finally, Sticky Gloves allow you to stick to walls and ceilings. Kevin and Stella took their backpacks and then went to San Francisco.

Once they arrived, Kevin used the tracking device feature on his watch to locate Judy. Kevin said, "According to this, Judy's at the bottom of the ocean." Stella said, "Looks like a job for The Mermaid Mints." Kevin and Stella dived into the ocean, ate one of The Mermaid Mints, and started swimming toward where Judy's signal was coming from. Once they got there, they found Judy's watch at the bottom of the ocean and picked it up. Stella said, "Judy never goes anywhere without her spy watch. Something is up." While Kevin and Stella were underwater, Dr. Evalena's lab alarm went off. One of his henchmen said, "It's the spy alert." Another henchman pushed a button on the control panel, turning on the monitor and showing Kevin and Stella swimming in the ocean.

While Kevin and Stella were investigating, Dr. Evalena entered a mini-sub and went after them. Once he got into the ocean, he found Kevin and Stella swimming around and looking for clues. Then he pushed a button on his control panel and threw a spear at them. The lance landed in a rock right next to them, and Kevin and Stella saw a minisub coming for them. Stella said, "Run. I mean, swim." Kevin and Stella quickly swam away, and Dr. Evalena chased after them. Kevin then saw a pool of sharks and got an idea. Dr. Evalena then drove his minisub into the pool of sharks while Kevin and Stella came out from hiding, swam out, and watched what would happen. Dr. Evalena said, "Where'd they go?" Then, Dr. Evalena's minisub was attacked by sharks. Dr. Evalena panicked and said, "Dr. Evalena is ejecting." Dr. Evalena pushed the eject button on his control panel and shot himself back up to his ship. Kevin and Stella swam up and used their Sticky Gloves to stick their hands to Dr. Evalena's ship and crawl up it.

Meanwhile, Judy was still confused, and Dr. Evalena had her memories locked up. Judy then looked through her backpack while Dr. Evalena looked through her memories. Dr. Evalena saw her hanging out with Kevin and Stella. He also saw them beating villains. Then he saw his fight with her. Dr. Evalena said, "Without her memories, there's no way that pesky girl can stop me. Plus, with her memories, I have spy info and secrets and will know how to take out other spies." Then, an alarm in Dr. Evalena's lab went off. One of his henchmen said, "It's another spy alert." Another henchman pushed a button on the control panel, turning on the monitor, showing them that Judy survived. They saw Judy looking through her backpack and binging out her gadgets, but she didn't know what they were. Dr. Evalena said, "Looks like my plan to erase her mind worked. The only thing left to do is destroy her." Judy thought the sun was in her eyes, so she looked in her backpack and found a pair of sunglasses. Then Dr. Evalena pushed a red button on his control panel and shot a missile at Judy when he got a lock on her. Once Judy put on the sunglasses, she pushed the button, and they showed her the missile coming for her. Judy said, "Hmm. I wonder if that thing's dangerous." Judy hit the deck just in case, and the missile missed her. Dr. Evalena then re-directed it back toward Judy, and Judy's sunglasses warned her about it. Judy turned around and saw the rocket coming back for her. Judy said, "Something tells me I'm the bullseye for whatever that thing is." Judy kept her Heat Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses on and made a swim for it. Dr. Evalena re-directed the missile and had it chase Judy. 

Dr. Evalena watched the missile chase Judy and saw Judy avoiding it, barely knowing what she was doing. Dr. Evalena said, "How is she doing this without memory?" Stella activated her Earring Listening Device to listen to Dr. Evalena's words. Stella heard, "Keep re-directing the missile until you destroy that girl. I'm trying, but she's awful good. Well, try harder. In the meantime, I'll be locating those other two spies using her thoughts." Dr. Evalena looked through Judy's memories, and Stella heard Judy's voice saying things about them being spies and hanging out while not being spies. Stella said, "He has Judy's thoughts and is trying to kill her." Kevin asked, " How will we get in and stop him?" Stella used her Heat Sensing Motion Detector Sunglasses and spotted an opening at the ship's top. Stella said, "There's an opening at the top." Kevin and Stella crawled up the wall with their Sticky Gloves and reached the ship's top. Then Kevin used The Tornado Blast Hairdryer to blow the door open. Then Kevin and Stella put on their Chameleon Suits, jumped into Dr. Evalena's lair, and became invisible because their Chameleon Suits were making them blend in with their surroundings.

Once they got to Dr. Evalena's control room, they saw him chasing Judy with a missile, but Judy avoided it too well. Since they were camouflaged with their surroundings, Kevin and Stella walked over to the control panel, pushed the button, and shot another missile. Then, the missile they shot destroyed the rocket that was chasing Judy. Judy said, "Hmm. I wonder how that happened. But I guess avoiding that thing was fun." Dr. Evalena said, "Who destroyed the missile?" All the henchmen denied it. Dr. Evalena said, "Well, there's no one else here, and Judy is still on the island. Who else could have done it?" Kevin then grabbed the jar of Judy's thoughts, and they ran away.

One of the henchmen said, "The same person who's stealing Judy's thoughts." Dr. Evalena looked at the door and saw the jar of Judy's thoughts floating out. Dr. Evalena chased after it and followed it to the hole Kevin made in the ceiling. Kevin and Stella then took off their Chameleon Suits and became visible again. Dr. Evalena said, "So, it was you." Stella said, "And now we're leaving." Dr. Evalena said, "What's the rush?" Dr. Evalena grabbed Kevin and Stella, took them back inside, and locked them up in a jail cell. Dr. Evalena said, "Now, you two won't stand in the way of my master plan." Kevin said, "Master plan?" Dr. Evalena said, "Yes." Dr. Evalena snapped his fingers, and a screen lowered down. It then showed Judy and him fighting before Judy lost her memory. Dr. Evalena said, "I lured your friend here and tricked her into capturing me. Once she had me, I erased her memory and now want it back." Dr. Evalena then took Judy's memory back from Kevin and Stella. Dr. Evalena said, "And now that I have her memory again, I'll use it to figure out hers and your weaknesses and then destroy you." Stella said, "But how did you even hear about us?" Dr. Evalena said, "Do the words 'double agent' mean anything? I'm an ex-SOOTS agent. I know every agent in the business. But I double-crossed Sally to go for a life of crime instead. I thought it sounded more fun. And when I figure out how to destroy you three and Sally, I'll blow up SOOTS and free all the imprisoned criminals. But I will keep you there until it's time to destroy you." Stella whispered something in Kevin's ear. Kevin said, "Not a bad idea." Kevin activated the magnetism button on his watch and stole Dr. Evalena's keys when he walked away. Then Kevin unlocked the door, and they escaped.

After they escaped, Kevin and Stella snuck back into Dr. Evalena's control room and saw him put Judy's memory back where they found it. Stella said, "I'm stealing that back." Kevin said, "You'll be noticed." Stella brought out her chameleon suit and said, "Not with this, I won't." Stella wore her chameleon suit, blended in with her surroundings, and became invisible. Kevin watched her as she snuck in and watched what was happening. Kevin saw Dr. Evalena still playing Keep Away from the Missile with Judy. Then he saw Judy's thought container rise because Stella was holding it. Dr. Evalena then looked at the jar and saw it was still there, so there was nothing to worry about. When Dr. Evalena looked away, Stella made off with Judy's thoughts and ran into the hall with them. Stella said, "Told you I would get them." Stella then took off her chameleon suit, and they ran for the exit. Then the spy alert went off, and when they checked it, Dr. Evalena and his henchmen saw Kevin and Stella running for the door with Judy's thoughts.

Dr. Evalena then got on his repaired hoverboard and chased after Kevin and Stella. Then Kevin and Stella activated their jetpack backpacks, flew out of the hole Kevin made, and then flew to the island Judy was on. Dr. Evalena chased after Kevin and Stella and tried to beat them to the island. Once Kevin and Stella arrived, Kevin grabbed Judy while Stella held her memory. Judy said, "Who are you two?" Kevin said, "We're Kevin and Stella, your friends. And if you don't remember, Stella, the jar." Dr. Evalena stole the jar back and flew off with it. Dr. Evalena said, "You mean my jar." The spies chased after Dr. Evalena, and Kevin and Judy flew in front of him while Stella flew by him and stole the jar back. Stella said, "I got it." Dr. Evalena tried shooting the spies, but Kevin and Stella dodged his blasts and flew Judy and her memories back to San Francisco.

Once they arrived, Kevin set Judy down, and Stella opened the jar of memories. Then the memories got put back in Judy's mind, and Judy got her memory back. Judy looked at Kevin and Stella and said, "Kevin, Stella, what's going on?" Dr. Evalena said, "No." Judy then used her Net Throwing Mascara and caught Dr. Evalena in a net. Judy said, "Sorry, Doc. Your game is over." Sally and the other SOOTS agents then took Dr. Evalena to jail and congratulated Judy for capturing him. They also thanked Kevin and Stella for saving Judy. After their mission, the spies used their Chameleon Suits to blend into their surroundings and sneak back into the movie they got called out of. Then they took their suits off, became visible again, took their seats, and enjoyed the show.

The End