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Episode 4: Day Scare

In England, some parents dropped their only kid off at the bus stop. Then he got onto the bus, waved goodbye to his parents, and went to school. While their kid was at the school, the parents went to a nanny agency called Nursery Nannies, hoping to get a nanny. They rang the doorbell, and the door opened by itself. Then they walked in and fell on a baby toy. Once they did, they fell into a giant baby playpen. Then the floor opened, and they slid down to the basement.

Meanwhile, The Spy Teens enjoyed time at home since they hadn't had a mission in weeks. While playing games with each other, Judy's watch beeped. Judy answered it and said, "Hello." Sally said, "Judy, are Kevin and Stella there?" Judy said, "Standing right beside me. What's up?" Sally said, "We have an urgent mission for you. Parents all over England have been disappearing." Kevin said, "Any clues as to who could be behind this?" Sally said, "Not really. Just a handful of upset children missing their parents who all disappeared at the same place." Stella said, "Where's that?" Sally said, "A nanny agency called Nursery Nannies." Stella said, "Let's check it out." Sally said, "Here are your gadgets." Sally pushed a button on her control panel, and it replaced their table with a gameboard with a table with three backpacks on it. Sally said, "Inside, you'll find InfraRed Sunglasses, Drill Heel Boots, Banana Beret Boomerangs, Laser Lipstick, and some Super Protection Bubble Gum."

The Spy Teens then flew to England and questioned one of the kids who lost their parents. Judy said, "So, your parents were supposed to hire a nanny to look after you since they have full-time jobs, but never did?" Neil said, "Yeah, they were supposed to get me after school but never showed up." Kevin said, "Where was the last place you saw them?" Neil pointed at the window and said, "Over by the bus stop. They put me on the school bus and promised to get me from school after hiring a nanny from the nanny agency." Kevin then picked up their family picture and looked at it. Kevin said, "So, these are your parents, huh." Neil said, "Yep. Hope they're ok." Judy said, "Me too. Well, thanks for answering our questions. We'll let you know if we find out anything."

After talking to Neil, Judy, Kevin, and Stella walked across England, thinking the case through. Kevin said, "I vote we go to the nanny agency and see what we can find." Judy, Kevin, and Stella rang the bell at the nanny agency. Then, an old lady answered the door. Kevin said, "Hello, I'm Kevin, and this is Judy and Stella. We're looking for the head nanny of this agency." The lady said, "You're looking at her. I'm Nanny Frida." Kevin said, "Nice to meet you. Well…" Kevin showed Nanny Frida a picture of Neil's parents and said, "Have you seen these two? Their kid is very concerned." Nanny Frida looked at the picture and said, "Sorry, not around this part of the neighborhood." Kevin said, "Well, thanks anyway. Sorry if we troubled you." Nanny Frida said, "Oh, no trouble." Nanny Frida closed the door, peered out the window, and saw Judy, Kevin, and Stella leaving. Nanny Frida said with an angry look, "No trouble at all." Judy said, "Let's see if the other town's folk are any help. I mean, that lady is so not guilty." Kevin said, "I know. Maybe we can get more information in town."

Judy, Kevin, and Stella went into town and walked into a bar, hoping to get information there. When they shut the door, a bunch of little shadows ran by it. Judy, Kevin, and Stella sat at the counter and ordered a drink. While drinking their sodas, Stella questioned the man at the counter. Stella said, "Thanks for the sodas, but can you give us some information?" The man at the counter said, "Surely. How can I help?" Stella said, "Do you know anything about Nursery Nannies?" The man at the counter said, "Well, it was a handy nanny business."

Judy said, "Was? It's not anymore." The man at the counter said, "The nanny agency has been closed for years." Kevin said, "But what about the old woman we spoke to there?" The man at the counter said, "Oh, you spoke to Nanny Frida. There's no need to worry about her; she's a grateful nanny. She's been out of a job for years but has a heart of gold." Stella thought about it and said, "I say we go back there and take another look." Judy, Kevin, and Stella paid their bill and returned to the nanny agency dressed like spies. After they left, a bunch of little people walked into the bar they were just at and slammed the door shut. Then, they caused mayhem inside. The guy at the counter said, "No, don't. I didn't tell them anything, honest."

Once they got to the nanny agency, they put on their InfraRed Sunglasses, split up, and looked around the perimeter. Kevin used his watch to call Judy and Stella and said, "Any luck, girls?" Judy said, "Not really. But InfraRed does show something inside the agency is using a lot of power, but I don't know what it is." Stella said, "It tells me the same thing, but I don't know what it is either." Judy said, "Looks like we'll just have to find out the hard way." Kevin and Stella met up with Judy on the side of the building, and Judy used her Drill Heel Boots to dig a tunnel under the wall and into the building. When the Spy Teens got inside, they crawled out of their hole and looked to see what room they were in. Judy said, "This must be Nanny Frida's office."

Judy then opened a book from Nanny Frida's desk, hoping it would give them some answers. Then they heard someone coming and hid up against the wall. Nanny Frida walked by her office and looked inside through the window but saw no one. Kevin said, "Huh, that was close." Stella looked on the ground and saw a photo album of all the people Nanny Frida worked with. Stella said, "Hey guys, look at this." Judy, Kevin, and Stella looked at the photo album Stella held and saw Nanny Frida assigning nannies to the kidnapped people. Stella said, "Bingo. Here's our connection. Nanny Frida gave nannies to all those people, but why kidnap anyone if she has a heart of gold like the guy from the bar said?" Then, a bunch of blankets dropped down and surrounded them. They looked up to see who dropped them and saw babies on the blankets. Then the babies jumped on Judy, Kevin, and Stella and captured them.

After capturing The Spy Teens, the babies took them to the basement of the nanny agency and tied them to chairs. Judy said, "Captured by babies, this is a new personal low." Then, one of the babies looked at Judy and spit at her. Then Nanny Frida arrived and saw her babies get The Spy Teens. Nanny Frida said, "Apparently, during your last visit, you didn't understand." Judy said, "Oh, we understand. You're creating an army of super babies and using them to kidnap those who fired your nannies." Nanny Frida said, "Clever. And you'll pay." Then Nanny Frida heard her pot whistling and said, "After tea." Nanny Frida poured herself some tea, sat in her chair, and said, "What to do?" Kevin said, "You could tell us what this is all about. That's kind of traditional in cases like this." Nanny Frida said, "Well, dears, five years ago, when this agency was in business, people used to come from all over to hire one. But, as you know, kids grow up, and when they think they're old enough, the kids tell their parents they think a nanny is unneeded. All the nannies returned to this agency and became broke because all the kids in England grew up, and other kids' parents raised their children on their own, so they didn't need one. The nannies quit and got new jobs, forcing me to close my business." Stella said, "So this is about revenge." Nanny Frida said, "Correct. You see, I've kidnapped those who returned their nannies and forced them out of a job like mine. I've also kidnapped the nannies I used to work with and turned them all into these babies using my age-reversing machine." While Nanny Frida was talking, Judy brought out her Laser Lipstick and used it to cut through her ropes. After she got free, Judy stood back up and showed Nanny Frida she was free. Nanny Frida said, "What the?" While freeing Kevin and Stella, Judy said, "The good guys get free while the bad guy explains the plan is also traditional." Nanny Frida said, "You Americans have some bizarre traditions. No matter, get them." Nanny Frida pointed at The Spy Teens, and the babies went after them.

The babies crawled all over Judy, threw toys at Kevin, and Stella ran for her life. Stella said, "How do I fight babies?" Judy threw some babies off her and said, "How do you not fight them?" The babies then threw Judy on the conveyor belt, activated the machine, and turned her into a baby. Stella said, "I don't think so." Stella took her Banana Beret Boomerang from her hair, tossed it at the machine, and hit the reverse button, turning Judy back into herself. Then it swung back to Stella, and she caught it. Kevin jumped because the babies threw a rocking horse at him and destroyed it. Kevin said, "Judy, your gum." Judy put a piece of her Super Protection Bubble Gum in her mouth, and Nanny Frida pushed the button on the machine again and tried to turn Judy back into a baby. When Judy got into the machine, she blew a bubble, shielding her from the beam. Then her bubble popped when she got out, and Nanny Frida saw the device didn't affect Judy. Since it didn't, Judy kicked Nanny Frida away, but the babies belayed her with a couple of baby toys. Nanny Frida said, "These aren't like ordinary babies. They're as strong as full-grown men." Stella said, "That's it."

Stella sat down and told Judy and Kevin to stop fighting the babies. Stella then covered her eyes and said, "Uh oh, where did Stella go?" The babies then started to look all around for Stella but couldn't find her. Nanny Frida pointed at Stella and said, "She's right there. You're acting like children." Stella opened her eyes and said, "Peekaboo." The babies all laughed and said, "Peekaboo. Ha ha." While they were laughing, Stella picked one of the babies up, put him on the conveyor belt, and changed him back into Neil's father. Nanny Frida said, "No. Stop her."

Stella then picked up another baby, and Judy and Kevin watched her take out Nanny Frida's baby army. Stella then spat into the baby's stomach and made her laugh. While laughing, Stella put her on the conveyor belt and changed her back into Neil's mother. Stella started to pick the babies up individually, put them on the conveyor belt, and change them back into the grownups they once were. Stella then got the babies to line up to her, spinning a mobile and playing with blocks. The babies lined up, and Stella put them on the conveyor belt and changed them back individually. While doing so, Nanny Frida got mad that her army was gone, so she attacked Stella to get even, but Kevin tripped her.

After they saved the adults and stopped Nanny Frida, Sally took Nanny Frida to jail. Sally said, "Another job well done. Judy said, "Thanks. If you don't mind, we would like to go home. We've seen enough of England for one day." The Spy Teens went back home and watched TV at Stella's house. Stella said, "Well, we wanted a mission and got one." Judy said, "Yep, quite exciting." Kevin said, "Can't wait for our next one." The Spy Teens then sat on Stella's sofa and laughed before watching their show.

The End