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Back in the Iron Sentinel, the tension had somewhat eased now that the mysterious force pulling their avatars together had been neutralized. 

Vanessa, although initially stunned by Shi Tian's actions, had returned to her seat, chastened by the consequences of her unintentional mistake.

Shi Tian, still focused on the screen, was doing his best to recover their positions. 

The cybersecurity bots were relentless, and their numbers had increased since the earlier chaos. Mary, on the other hand, was nearing the final stages of her mission.

As Shi Tian maneuvered his avatar, dodging the bots' attacks and making progress, he couldn't help but think about the mysterious force that had drawn them together. 

It was an unsettling phenomenon, and he wondered if it had been orchestrated by the opposing party or if it was a glitch in the system.

Vanessa's clone was still intact, so that means it wasn't damaged until Shi Tain decided to destroy it.