Levitation Talisman

Minos soon found a small cave in the nearby area to conceal himself with. He looked around for a bit before finding a smooth rock and dragging into the cave to act as a table.

The tools required to make talisman's were quite small, with the ink brush and paper taking up little room, hence Minos kept everything he needed in a small satchel secured to his waist.

He put the beast ink on the side of the stone and laid the talisman paper down gently. The second he gripped onto his talisman brush, his entire demeanour began to change.

The wolfish energy he usually gave off was immediately replaced by one of precision, stability, and confidence.

He began layering the talisman strokes down as he had already previously simulated in his head. As each stroke connected, Minos got more and more confident, and after dashing off the final stroke, he quickly separated the brush from paper, leaving no stains.

After leaving it to dry for a few minutes, Minos picked it up and inspected it. Externally, it looked fine, but one has to realize that if a single stroke was off by even a strand of hair, the entire talisman would fail, hence he could only really know for certain once he activated it.

With that in mind, Minos bit into this thumb, causing blood to start dripping. Dabbing it on the back of the talisman paper, he watched as it slightly brightened for a moment, before dissipating into ash.

'Failed?' What did I do wrong?' Minos began thinking back over the process, quickly highlighting all the mistakes he could have made.

After about ten minutes of contemplation, Minos opened his eyes again, attempting to draw his original talisman once more.

Eventually Minos failed two more times before he eventually created a talisman he was quite confident about.

Once again, he dabbed his blood on the back of the talisman, watching as it began to shimmer slightly. However this time, it didn't fail right away, instead levitating in the air for about a minute before turning to ash once more.

Of course just because it managed to levitate, didn't necessarily mean Minos was done. There was still the question of whether it even had the strength to carry a person.

He quickly created one more, but this time instead of using it in the air, he pasted it on his chest before activating it.

As the talisman activated, Minos could feel a slight tug come from his body, as if the talisman was trying to pull him into the sky.

Unfortunately the tugging was still far too weak to manage to lift Minos's weight about 100 pounds, and Minos instantly came up with two possible solutions.

One naturally being making more Levitation Talisman's. If one didn't work, then 2, 3, or even 4 should. The other solution was to make the talisman itself stronger, but it would naturally require much more work.

However Minos was never afraid of work, and instantly decided to prioritize solution two. With that in mind, he attempted making his new Levitation Talisman 2.0.

Originally the Levitation Talisman was made up of only 10 strokes, the bare minimum for a low-level talisman, but this time Minos raised the strokes to 16, to further increase its strength.

Of course like said earlier, for each additional stroke, the difficulty of making a talisman becomes exponentially harder, much less for an original talisman that had no instructions in which to follow.

This time it took Minos 6 attempts before he finally achieved his goal. Pasting on his chest again, he activated it, and this time, his body slowly floated up to the ceiling of the cave.

Minos couldn't help but laugh slightly as he floated. Flying had always been a dream of man, Minos being no exception, so the feeling was quite euphoric.

Of course he quickly realized another problem, that being he couldn't actually control himself at all while levitating, instead just slowly rising into the air.

Fortunately he was in a cave and could use the roof to stop his ascent. Had he instead used it outside, he likely would have been in trouble.